☆以智慧挽救無知,摧破邪見。(Wisdom shatters ignorance.)
☆以仁義化解仇恨,重建道德。(Kindheartedness reconciles hatred.)
☆〈反民邪教黃巾賊〉轆轤體七絕四首,〈甲午仲秋香港警察頌〉四言詩,〈癸巳歲林慧思陳日君粗口鬧事〉七言詩。(Three poems.)
☆美法英德日選舉全不符合「黃巾軍」的「國際標準」!(Elections ofUS and UK etc. do not meet “Universal Standards” of the Yellow Ribbons.)
☆反民五棍(political, academic, religious, legal and media crooks of theAnti-People Faction)
☆學運邪教(Student Movement Cult)
☆柳俊江錯說三分權(Ryan Liu misunderstands Separation of Powers)
☆劉進圖、葉建源、戴耀廷的失實陳述(Misrepresentations by Lau, Ip and Tai)
☆黃之鋒的「老人政治」(Gerontocracy of Joshua Wong)
☆鍾庭耀民調的垃圾翻譯(Lousy Translations by HKU Public OpinionProgramme)
☆香港通識誤人子弟(Hong Kong Liberal Studies ruins our kids)