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E-Commerce 2020-2021: Business. Technology. Society.(GE) (16版)


Kenneth C. Laudon ,Carol Guercio Traver
473.00  元
HK$ 473  

  • 叢書系列:電子商務
  • 規格:平裝 / 912頁 / 20.4 x 25.5 x 2.8 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 16版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 管理類 > 行銷 > 行銷學

      The most up-to-date, comprehensive overview of e-commerce today.


      Lively and fun to read, E-commerce 2020: Business, Technology and Society is an in-depth, thought-provoking introduction to e-commerce focusing on key concepts and the latest empirical and financial data. Hundreds of examples from companies such as Facebook (R), Google (R), Twitter (R), and Amazon (R) illustrate how e-commerce is altering business practices and driving shifts in the global economy. The entire 16th edition, including its data, figures, and tables, has been updated through October 2019. It has up-to-date coverage of key topics in e-commerce today, such as privacy and piracy, government surveillance, cyberwar, social-local-mobile marketing, internet sales taxes, and intellectual property.


    Ch 1 Introduction to E-commerce

    Ch 2 E-commerce Infrastructure

    Ch 3 Building an E-commerce Presence

    Ch 4 E-commerce Security and Payment Systems

    Ch 5 E-commerce Business Strategines

    Ch 6 E-commerce Marketing and Advertising?

    Ch 7 Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing

    Ch 8 Ethics, Law, and E-commerce

    Ch 9 Online Media

    Ch10 Online Communities

    Ch11 E-commerce Retail and Services

    Ch12 B2B E-commerce

    其 他 著 作
    1. E-commerce 2023-2024: Business. Technology. Society.(GE)(18版)
    2. Essentials of MIS(GE)(15版)
    3. E-Commerce 2021-2022: Business. Technology. Society.(GE)
    4. E-Commerce 2019:Business. Technology. Society.(GE)(15版)
    5. E-Commerce 2018: Business. Technology. Society(GE)(14版)