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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
E-Commerce 2018: Business. Technology. Society(GE)(14版)


Kenneth C. Laudon,Carol Guercio Traver
460.00  元
HK$ 460  

  • 叢書系列:電子商務
  • 規格:平裝 / 912頁 / 20.2 x 25.4 x 2.8 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 14版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 電機資訊類 > 電信/通訊

      E-commerce 2018: business. technology. society provides students with a deep dive into the field of e-commerce. Authors Laudon and Traver focus on the most important concepts, terms, and empirical data to help give a comprehensive introduction to this constantly changing field. The textbook uses thought-provoking content and relevant references to teach students about how e-commerce is shifting the global economy. The authors reference big companies like Amazon, Facebook, Google, Twitter, and more to relate to readers. The 14th Edition features all new or updated opening, closing, and “Insight on” cases. Additionally, a new careers section has been added to the end of each chapter to help students prepare for corporate, working life.


    Ch 1 Introduction to E-commerce

    Ch 2 E-commerce Infrastructure

    Ch 3 Building an E-commerce Presence

    Ch 4 E-commerce Security and Payment Systems

    Ch 5 E-commerce Business Strategines

    Ch 6 E-commerce Marketing and Advertising

    Ch 7 Social, Mobile, and Local Marketing

    Ch 8 Ethics, Law, and E-commerce

    Ch 9 Online Media

    Ch10 Online Communities

    Ch11 E-commerce Retailing and Services

    Ch12 B2B E-commerce

    其 他 著 作
    1. E-commerce 2023-2024: Business. Technology. Society.(GE)(18版)
    2. Essentials of MIS(GE)(15版)
    3. E-Commerce 2019:Business. Technology. Society.(GE)(15版)