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197.00  元
HK$ 177.3  

  • 叢書系列:師大學術專書
  • 規格:平裝 / 634頁 / 17 x 23 cm / 普通級

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 政府出版品 > 教育學習 > 大學出版中心



    Chapter 1 An Optimality-Theoretic Account of the Say Verb Han ’Be Said’ in Sakizaya / ChihkaiLin and Li-May Sung

    Chapter 2 Segmental Processes in Wuhua Hakka: An Analysis in Harmonic Serialism�Chin-cheng Lo

    Chapter 3 Verb-Object Combinations in Taiwan Southern Min�Huei-Ling Lin

    Chapter 4 Acoustic Measures and Perceptual Judgments of Chinese Learners’ English Speech Timing Patterns / Hsueh-Chu Chen and Qian Wang

    Chapter 5 EFL Interlanguage in English Vowel Production from Acoustic Perspectives / Yi-Hsiu Lai

    Chapter 6 Acquiring L2 English Spatial Prepositions? Surface and Volume First! / Ya-ting Gina Yang and Chun-yin Doris Chen

    Chapter 7 Improving EFL Young Learners’ Oral Reading Fluency: Same-age versus Cross-age Peer Repeated Reading Training / Feng-lan Kuo,Heien-kun Chiang,Ting-hsuan Tsai, and Bob Pierce

    Chapter 8 Feeding Chinese Loanwords Back into Chinese-English Dictionaries: With Special Reference to the Oxford Chinese Dictionary / Hugo Tseng

    Chapter 9 English Mixing in Cosmetics Ads in Taiwanese Magazines: Beauty in the Hands of Copywriters / Jia-Ling Hsu

    Chapter 10 Technology Integration and Professional Development: An Initiative for Managing Changes / Kueilan Hsieh Chen

    Chapter 11 Lexical Intelligibility of American and British English to Taiwanese EFL learners: A Sociolinguistic Perspective / James H. Yang and Ya-Wen Cheng

    Chapter 12 Taiwanese EAP Writers’ Perceptions, Needs and Strategies: A Case Study of Engineering-majored Doctoral Students / Yu-ling You and Chiao-hsuan Lin

    Chapter 13 台灣客家孩童的母音發展�鍾榮富

    Chapter 14 韓漢音、韓漢詞與湘蜀方言的類似度分析�嚴翼相

    Chapter 15 如何愛老師�關芳芳

    Chapter 16 《祖堂集》中的「便」字句研究�陳淑芬

    Chapter 17 新商務漢語考試詞彙選詞分析�陳麗宇、曾元顯

    Chapter 18 從「詞涯八千」看「華語八千詞表」�賴秋月

    Appendix: Chin-Chuan Cheng Brographical Sketch


    其 他 著 作
    1. 當代語言學概論(三版)
    2. 當代語言學概論(三版)
    3. 當代語言學概論(2版)
    4. 臺灣客家語音導論(2版)
    5. 華語語音及教學(新修訂版)
    6. A Course in Linguistics(16K)
    7. 文鶴最新語言學概論
    8. 華語語音及教學
    9. 不斷超越的詩章:曾貴海作品研究
    10. 臺灣客家語音導論