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Vinaya Studies


150.00  元
HK$ 127.5  

  • 叢書系列:法鼓文理學院論叢
  • 規格:線裝 / 432頁 / 25k正

  • 宗教命理 > 佛教 > 其他

      The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu An?layo related to Vinaya. Recurrent topics are the nature of Vinaya narrative and the overlap between discourse and Vinaya material, both of which have significant ramifications for the use of such textual material by the modern scholar. In addition, topics taken up in the course of this book are the legal consequences of p?r?jika, the mass suicide of monks, the tale of Vessantaras lavish giving, the impact of the account of the first sa?g?ti on attitudes towards Vinaya rules, the account of the foundation of the order of bhikkhun?s, and the legal dimensions of the revival of the bhikkhun? order.?

    List of Plates vii

    DILA Series ix

    Foreword xi

    Introduction 1

    P?r?jika 7

    Sudinna (P?r 1) 35

    Migala??ika (P?r 3) 69

    Vessantara (J? 547) 113

    Gotam? (CV X.1) Part 1 143

    Gotam? (CV X.1) Part 2 167

    Sa?g?ti (CV XI) 201

    Bhikkhun? Ordination 221

    Appendix 1: Pa??aka 309

    Appendix 2: F?xi?n 315

    Appendix 3: ?sava 325

    Abbreviations 331

    References 333

    Index 397

    Plates 411

    List of Plates

    Plate 1: Fasting Siddh?rtha 411

    Plate 2: Vessantaras Gift of the Elephant 412

    Plate 3: End of Pav?ra?a Ceremony 413

    Plate 4: Close-up of Signpost 414

    其 他 著 作
    1. 長阿含研究
    2. Ekottarika-?gama Studies
    3. 增壹阿含經(Taish? 125)研究論文集 Research on the Ekottarika-?gama (Taish? 125)