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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Ekottarika-?gama Studies


227.00  元
HK$ 192.95  

  • 叢書系列:法鼓文理學院論叢
  • 規格:平裝 / 672頁 / 25k正

  • 宗教命理 > 佛教 > 佛教經典/解說

      The present book collects research papers by Bhikkhu An?layo with translations of Ekottarika-?gama discourses and comparative studies of their P?li parallels, together with three appendices on the terms Mah?y?na, H?nay?na, and Therav?da. Several papers study aspects of the Ekottarika-?gama as a collection distinct from other Nik?ya and ?gama collections. In addition, topics taken up in the course of this book are seclusion, the lions roar, the wheel-turning king, Paccekabuddhas, and the four noble truths, as well as depictions of accomplished nuns and their significance.

    List of Tables and Plates?? vii

    DILA Series?? ix

    Foreword?? xi

    Introduction?? 1

    Bhayabherava-sutta (MN 4)?? 9

    C??as?han?da-sutta (MN 11)?? 31

    Kakac?pama-sutta (MN 21)?? 51

    Bhadd?li-sutta (MN 65)?? 87

    Makh?deva-sutta (MN 83) Part 1?? 113

    Makh?deva-sutta (MN 83) Part 2?? 141

    Makh?deva-sutta (MN 83) Part 3?? 165

    Isigili-sutta (MN 116)?? 215

    Saccavibha?ga-sutta (MN 141)?? 239

    Ji??a-sutta (SN 16.5)?? 249

    Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta (SN 56.11)?? 267

    Etadagga-vagga (AN 1.14.5)?? 301

    Sela-sutta (Sn 3.7)?? 325

    Subh?-ther?g?th? (Th? 396)?? 345

    Gotam?-apad?na (Ap 17)?? 359

    Bhadd?-apad?na (Ap 27 & 28)?? 381

    Pad?pad?na-j?taka (Pann?sa-j? 4.5)?? 413

    Appendix (1): Mah?y?na?? 443

    Appendix (2): H?nay?na?? 473

    Appendix (3): Therav?da?? 497

    Abbreviations?? 523

    References?? 525

    Index?? 625

    Plates?? 649

    List of Tables

    Table 1: Translated Ekottarika-?gama Discourses?? 5

    Table 2: The Three Turnings?? 298

    Table 3: Bodhisattva and Y?na References in T 125?? 470

    List of Plates

    Plate 1: Lion Capital?? 649

    Plate 2: The cakravartin M?ndh?t??? 650

    Plate 3: A Paccekabuddha?? 651

    Plate 4: Turning the Wheel of Dharma (1)?? 652

    Plate 5: Turning the Wheel of Dharma (2)?? 653

    DILA Series

    Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA) Series


      In 1994, Master Sheng Yen (1931-2009), the founder of Dharma Drum Buddhist College, began publishing the series of the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies. The purposes of publishing this series were to provide a venue for academic research in Buddhist studies supported by scholarships from the Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies, to encourage top-quality Buddhist research, and to cultivate an interest in Buddhist research among the readership of the series. Moreover, by encouraging cooperation with international research institutions, Master Sheng Yen hoped to foster the academic study of Buddhism in Taiwan.


      In keeping with this vision, in order to promote different aspects of exchange in academic research, we at Dharma Drum Buddhist College began to publish three educational series in 2007:

      - Dharma Drum Buddhist College Research Series (DDBCRS)

      - Dharma Drum Buddhist College Translation Series (DDBCTS)

      - Dharma Drum Buddhist College Special Series (DDBCSS)


      In July 2014, the Taiwanese Ministry of Education deliberated on the merging of the Dharma Drum College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Dharma Drum Buddhist College into the newly formed Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA).


      The new DILA incarnations of the former three series are now:

      - Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts Research Series (DILA-RS)

      - Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts Translation Series (DILA-TS)

      - Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts Special Series (DILA-SS)


      Among our goals is the extensive development of digital publishing and information to adapt to the interactive and hyperconnective environment of the Web 2.0 age. This will allow research outcomes to be quickly shared and evaluated through the participation of individual users, through such media as blogs, shared tagging, wikis, social networks and so on. Our hope is to work towards developing an open environment for academic studies (perhaps called Science 2.0) on digital humanities that will be more collaborative and efficient than traditional academic studies. In this way, the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts will continue to help foster the availability of digital resources for Buddhist studies, the humanities, and the social sciences.

    Bhiksu Huimin

    其 他 著 作
    1. Vinaya Studies
    2. 長阿含研究
    3. 增壹阿含經(Taish? 125)研究論文集 Research on the Ekottarika-?gama (Taish? 125)