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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
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增壹阿含經(Taish? 125)研究論文集 Research on the Ekottarika-?gama (Taish? 125)


Bhikkhu An?layo,平岡 ?,洪振洲,關則富,蘇錦坤
117.00  元
HK$ 99.45  

  • 叢書系列:法鼓佛教學院論叢
  • 規格:平裝 / 272頁 / 25k正 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 宗教命理 > 宗教概論

      This volume contains the proceedings of a workshop on the Chinese translation of the Ekottarika-?gama, the Zengyi ahan jing (增壹阿含經), Taish? no. 125, held at Dharma Drum Buddhist College in April 2012. The papers included focus on different aspects of the translation of this early Buddhist canonical collection: its school affiliation; the relationship of its textual materials to Indian Mah?s??ghika and Mah?y?na milieux; the incorporation of late elements in the course of revisions or additions effected in China; collaborative quantitative text analysis and authorship attribution applied to verify the philological hypothesis of later additions to the collection; structural aspects that can be reconstructed on the basis of its summary stanzas and of scriptural quotations in other works.

    Dharma Drum Buddhist College Series?? Bhik?u Huimin

    Introduction?? S?ma?er? Dhammadinn?

    Two Versions of the Mah?deva Tale in the Ekottarika?gama:A Study in the Development of Taish? No. 125?? Bhikkhu An?layo

    The School Affiliation of the Ekottarika-?gama?? Satoshi Hiraoka

    The Second Version of the Mah?deva Tale in the Ekottarika-?gama: Quantitative Text Analysis and Translatorship Attribution Jen-jou Hung

    Mah?y?na Elements and Mah?s??ghika Traces in the Ekottarika-?gama Tse-fu Kuan

    The Udd?nas and Structural Aspects of the Ekottarika?gama? Ken Su

    Index of Names

    Index of Works


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