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  • 叢書系列:實用機械
  • 規格:精裝 / 464頁 / 普通級

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 電機資訊類 > 電機

      Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method for Heat and Mass Transfer, Second Edition is a comprehensively updated new edition and is a unique book on the application of the finite element method to heat and mass transfer.

      •Addresses fundamentals, applications and computer implementation

      •Educational computer codes are freely available to download, modify and use

      •Includes a large number of worked examples and exercises

      •Fills the gap between learning and research

    Ch1: Introduction

    Ch2: Some Basic Discrete Systems

    Ch3: The Finite Element Method

    Ch4: Steady-State Heat Conduction in One-dimension

    Ch5: Steady-state Heat Conduction in Multi-dimensions

    Ch6: Transient Heat Conduction Analysis

    Ch7: Laminar Convection Heat Transfer

    Ch8: Turbulent Flow and Heat Transfer

    Ch9: Heat Exchangers

    Ch10: Mass Transfer

    Ch11: Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media

    Ch12: Solidification

    Ch13: Heat and Mass Transfer in Fuel Cells

    Ch14: An Introduction to Mesh Generation and Adaptive Finite Element Methods

    Ch15: Implementation of Computer Code

    其 他 著 作
    1. 台譯納尼亞傳奇--獅仔、魔女佮 Thang-suh
    2. 投資別再情緒化!讓數據說話 用科學方法讓本金百倍奉還
    3. 預兆:疫情失控紀事
    4. 人類世的誕生
    5. 一草一天堂:英格蘭原野的自然觀察
    6. Children’s Classics Collection
    7. 文化研究套書(二)
    8. 這份工作,你真的想做一輩子嗎?最勵志的轉職指引,讓你的職涯下半場更加閃亮
    9. 探險家們的寫生簿:70位探險家的冒險生平與探索世界的偉大熱情
    10. 探險家們的寫生簿: 70位探險家的冒險生平與探索世界的偉大熱情(隨書贈博客來獨家典藏寫生簿)
    11. Human Genetics:Concepts and Applications 12/e
    12. SHEI-PA NATIONAL PARK(雪霸國家公園英文簡冊)
    13. Benedict Cumberbatch: The Biography
    14. 職場正向心理學:正向領導與肯定式探詢的應用
    15. Super Minds Level 5 Class CDs (4)
    16. Super Minds Level 6 Class CDs (4)
    17. 魯益師:寄小讀者
    18. 老人職能治療學
    19. 如何學好外語:外語學習成功策略 (25K軟皮精裝) How to Study Foreign Languages
    20. 若望著作詮釋:附研經指南 The Gospel according to John and the Johannine Letters (Commentary and Study Guide)
    21. 細讀文化研究基礎 Cultural studies: the Basics, 2003
    22. The Chronicles of Narnia
    23. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader
    24. Kindergarten Cat
    25. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There
    26. 活出感恩的心 原著書名: AThankful Heart
    27. 闊柏嶺之戀 原著書名: The Prodigal
    28. 企業研究法
    29. English in Mind 5 WkBk AudCD/CDROM (Paperback with CD & CD-ROM)
    30. English in Mind Level 5 Std Bk (Paperback)
    31. English Mind 5 Class Audio CDs (Audio CD )
    32. How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age
    33. Teach Yourself Welsh Conversation (3CDs + Guide)
    34. 園藝治療入門
    36. The Chronicles of Narnia Pop-up: Based on the Books by C. S. Lewis (Hardcover)
    37. Excellence Without a Soul: Does Liberal Education Have a Future?
    38. English in Mind 4 Class Audio Cassettes (2)
    39. English in Mind 4 Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM
    40. English in Mind 4 Class Audio CDs (3)
    41. Laboratory Atlas of Anatomy and Physiology
    42. Project Management
    43. Personal Financial Planning
    44. The Song of Bernadette (Paperback)
    45. 當萊斯遇上阿祖──台上台下梁祖堯
    46. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Movie-Tie-In) (A Format)
    47. The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set (adult) (Paperback)
    48. 教育心理學:教育的行動研究 Educational Psychology:A Practitioner-Researcher Model of Teaching
    49. The Chronicles of Narnia #2 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Paperback)
    50. Relational Psychoanalysis, Volume 2: Innovation and Expansion
    51. Food Science Reviews Vol 1 Pb
    52. 產品研發專案管理
    53. 蒙娜麗莎不見了
    54. English in Mind 3 Workbook with Audio CD/CD ROM
    55. English in Mind 3 Class Audio CDs
    56. English in Mind 3 Class Cassettes
    57. How to Think About Weird Things: Critical Thinking for a New Age
    58. 專案管理聖經
    59. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland: A Pop-up Adaptation of Lewis Carroll’s Original Tale
    60. Easy Excel 2003 (Paperback)
    61. 我懂了!專案管理
    62. HVAC Systems Design Handbook
    63. 英語詞語搭配教學 Teaching Collocation
    64. The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set (Rack-sized Paperback)
    65. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Fourth Edition (Hardcover)
    66. 重返西西里
    67. The Chronicles of Narnia (adult) (Paperback)
    68. Looking for Dragons ELT Edition
    69. HyperClinic 2 CD-ROM for Windows
    70. Piloting Basics Handbook
    71. The Chronicles of Narnia #2 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Full-Color Collectors Edition) (Paperback)
    72. The Big Snowball
    73. The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set (full color) (Paperback)
    74. The Complete Chronicles of Narnia (Hardcover)
    75. 不得立法侵犯 : 蘇利文案與言論自由
    76. Sense & Respond
    77. 透視策略聯盟
    78. 攝錄技術 原著書名: Video
    79. C.S. Lewis Letters to Children
    80. Green Nature/Human Nature
    81. Don’t Wake the Baby!
    82. Programmed Mathematics for Nurses
    83. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 4: Foundations of Logic, 1903-05
    84. Henry Iv Parts 1 And 2 0
    85. Word Power Made Easy (Mass Market Paperback)
    86. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 2: The Philosophical Papers 1896-99
    87. U-Statistics: Theory and Practice
    88. U.S. Economic Foreign Aid
    89. Working Your Way to the Nations
    90. 隱藏的泉源(雅歌書註) (The Hidden Ones)
    91. The Chronicles of Narnia Boxed Set (digest) (Paperback)
    92. 宗教哲學Philosophy of Religion
    93. 如此基督教
    94. Developments in Water Treatment 2