P56 香烤時蔬
grilled vegetables
P58 洋菇薄煎餅
pancakes stuffed with mushroom
P60 番茄麵疙瘩
gnocchi with tomato sauce
P61 檸香蝴蝶麵
farfalle with bacon and lemon
P62 番茄乳酪筆尖麵
penne with tomato and mozzarella cheese
P64 香料炒洋芋
sauteed potatoes with rosemary
P65 杏仁鮮魚
fish in almond
P66 鯛魚烤番茄
baked sea bream with tomato
P67 烤芝麻鮭魚
baked sesame salmen
P68 辛香鮮魚甜椒開胃小點
fish with herbs and bell pepper
P69 香燉墨魚
squid stew
P70 酥炸鮮魚佐柳橙塔塔醬
deep fried fish with orange tar tar
P72 鑲淡菜
stuffed mussels
P74 雞肉火腿丸
chicken and ham croquettes
P76 香烤芥末香料雞
roasted chicken with mustard and herbs
P78 西班牙甜椒餅
tortilla with red bell pepper
Chapter 3 南洋小品
P82 醃漬南瓜小番茄
marinated tomaoes and pumpkin
P84 金針菇沙拉
enoki mushroom salad
P85 芋泥山藥盅
taro and yam puree
P86 涼拌雜菇
combination mushrooms
P87 蒜香茄子
steamed eggplant with roasted garlic
P88 香炸豆腐
deep fried bean curd
P90 照燒杏鮑菇
teriyaki king oyster mushroom
P92 香料中卷
spicy squid
P94 涼拌蝦仁葡萄柚
shrimp with grapefruit
P96 魚餅
fish cake
P97 醃漬蛤蜊
marinated clams with basil
P98 鮮蝦吐司
shrimp toast
P100 香料鮮蝦串
shimp kebabs with ginger and coriander
P102 蔗蝦
shrimp paste on sugar cane
P104 中卷釀燒雞
stuffed chicken with squid paste
P106 軟煎芝麻魚
fried fish fillet with sesame
P107 味噌鮮魚
fish with miso
P108 牛肉蛋捲
beef omelette
P110 芝麻雞肉球
sesame crusted chicken balls
P112 香檸烤雞排
grilled chicken with lemon
P114 豬小排橙汁燒
barbecued pork in orange juice
P116 香燉蛤蜊豬肉
pork and clam stew
P118 鳳梨碎肉小品
pineapple on pork and lemon juice
P120 香茅烤肉
B.B.Q pork and lemon grass
P122 臘腸沙拉
sousage salad
P123 香炸爆爆肉
deep-fried pork belly
P124 炸豬肉球
fried pork meatballs
P126 紅咖哩蘆筍雞肉串
asparagus chicken skewers and red curry
P128 炸餃子
deep fried dumpling
P130 煎藕餅
pork cake with lotus root
P132 酥炸雲吞
deep fried wonton
P134 蝦茸豆腐球
deep fried shrimp and beancurd balls