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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介


127.00  元
HK$ 120.65  

  • 規格:平裝 / 132頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
  • 語文:中英對照

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 社會與心理類 > 心理 > 一般心理學


      The most important breakthrough of indigenization movement of psychology in Taiwan is the development of an epistemological strategy for the construction of culture-inclusive theories by multiple philosophical paradigms of Western philosophy of science which may transform the wisdom of cultural heritage in Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism into objective knowledge. The breakthrough has initiated a new field of research for the followers to construct more culture-inclusive theories and to conduct empirical research on the one hand; on the other hand, it may provide objective theoretical ground for practitioners to do psychotherapy and counseling not only in Chinese society, but also to promote the psychology of self-cultivation to the whole world. The book collects 11 articles which had been published in the journal of Frontiers in Psychology for the sake of demonstrating this new orientation of research.



    Editorial: Eastern Philosophies and Psychology: Towards Psychology of Self-Cultivation


    Kwang-Kuo Hwang, Yung-Jong Shiah and Kin-Tung Yit

    The Process of Self-Cultivation and the Mandala Model of the Self


    Meiyao Wu

    The Mediating Role of Self-Exertion on the Effects of Effort on Learning Virtues and Emotional Distress in Academic Failure in a Confucian Context


    Bih-Jen Fwu, Shun-Wen Chen, Chih-Fen Wei and Hsiou-Huai Wang

    High-School Teachers’ Beliefs about Effort and Their Attitudes toward Struggling and Smart Students in a Confucian Society


    Shun-Wen Chen, Bih-Jen Fwu, Chih-Fen Wei and Hsiou-Huai Wang

    Interpersonal Harmony and Conflict for Chinese People: A Yin–Yang Perspective


    Li-Li Huang

    The Feeling of “Face” in Confucian Society: From a Perspective of Psychosocial Equilibrium


    Kuei-Hsiang Han

    Nation, Face, and Identity: An Initial Investigation of National Face in East Asia


    Rong Chen and Kwang-Kuo Hwang

    Serendipity in Relationship: A Tentative Theory of the Cognitive Process of Yuanfen and Its Psychological Constructs in Chinese Cultural Societies


    Hsin-Ping Hsu and Kwang-Kuo Hwang

    Beyond Authoritarian Personality: The Culture-Inclusive Theory of Chinese Authoritarian Orientation


    Chin-Lung Chien

    Virtue Existential Career Model: A Dialectic and Integrative Approach Echoing Eastern Philosophy


    Shu-Hui Liu, Jui-Ping Hung, Hsin-I Peng, Chia-Hui Chang and Yi-Jen Lu

    From Self to Nonself: The Nonself Theory


    Yung-Jong Shiah

    Traditional Meditation, Mindfulness and Psychodynamic Approach: An Integrative Perspective


    Simone Bianco, Paolo Barilaro and Arianna Palmieri

    其 他 著 作
    1. 超越與實在:牟宗三的科學觀
    2. 儒家文化系統的主體辯證(第2版)
    3. 儒家文化系統的主體辯證(第2版)
    4. 儒家文化系統的主體辯證(第2版)
    5. 儒家文化系統的主體辯證(第2版)
    6. 儒家文化系統的主體辯證(第2版)
    7. 宋明理學的科學詮釋
    8. 華人本土心理學30年:本土研究取徑及理論
    9. 夾縫中的台灣三部曲(《中西文明的夾縫》+《台灣自我殖民的困境》+《潛龍與禿鷹的文明對抗》)(套書)
    10. 潛龍與禿鷹的文明對抗:共構文化中國,兩岸和平是唯一解方
    11. 中西文明的夾縫:改變台灣命運的起手式
    12. 台灣自我殖民的困境:從被出賣到凌虐,台灣被殖民與自我殖民的困境
    13. 破解黃光國難題的知識論策略
    14. 內聖與外王:儒家思想的完成與開展
    15. 社會科學的理路(第四版思源版)
    16. 儒家文化系統的主體辯證
    17. 總統?總督?!台灣精神與文化中國
    18. 盡己與天良:破解韋伯的迷陣
    19. 倫理療癒與德性領導的後現代智慧
    20. 社會科學的理路(第三版)
    21. 心理學的科學革命方案
    22. 最後的亞細亞孤兒:從李登輝、彭明敏、黃光國的生命故事看台灣人的1949
    23. 反求諸己:現代社會中的修養
    24. 一中兩憲:兩岸和平的起點
    25. 民粹亡台論
    26. 中國人的權力遊戲
    27. 社會科學的理路(第二版)
    28. 知識與行動-中華文化傳統的社會心理詮釋(第二版)
    29. 權力的漩渦
    30. 民粹亡台論
    31. 民粹亡台論