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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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沈從文短篇小說選 Selected Stories of Shen Congwen(中英對照)


173.00  元
HK$ 164.35  

  • 叢書系列:中國現代文學
  • 規格:平裝 / 321頁 / 15 x 21 cm / 普通級

  • 文學小說 > 華文創作 > 小說

      Shen Congwen (1902?-1988) is one of the worlds great modern writers. He is also one of the finest Chinese prose stylists of all time. Literary critics and historians have offered several reasons for why Shen Congwen is a great writer. The foremost explanation is his power as a stylist. He could make the Chinese language beautiful.

      Some critics have praised Shen Congwen for creating characters with beautiful souls. Readers credit him with having described beautiful and fulfilling styles of life, even in materially primitive surroundings, that conjure up the "health and dignity" prized by the Crescent Moon writers.

      Other critics value Shen Congwen as a realist writer. He has written many works exposing the abuses of the military in the countryside, and the vanity of the urban bourgeoisie. His stories reveal the plight and the strength of the common people.

      Stories in this collection are:

      •The New and the Old 新與舊

      •The Husband 丈夫

      •Staff Adviser 顧問官

      •Sansan 三三

      •Guisheng 貴生

      •Qiaoxiu and Dongsheng 巧秀和冬生

      Most of the stories come from Shens "classic" period, when he had already honed a fine writing style, and they are about rural folk from Shens native region, people he knew from experience. The contradictions seen here are between the "old" and the "new," and also between human values with enough integrity to nurture life, versus corruption that leads to the decline and death of a culture. It is not just a conflict between "good" and "bad." We can often see morals in Shen Congwens works, but they are subtle, and as a modern man, his sense of good and bad was too relative for him to be called a moralist. Even "barbaric" violence had its place in his ethic, if it were properly atoned for, as in the opening story of this collection. Moreover, he could always see good and bad in the same person. Shen Congwen was an optimist, a religious man who believed in the goodness of life and the universe, and in God, though his concept of God was abstract (sometimes he said it was precisely "the Abstract" that he loved, and I think this may be what he meant by God). Yet, Shen Congwen had his dark moments, as when he tried to commit suicide. In the pages below, I see contradictions and reversals in Shens Congwens portraits of "paradise," and even in his depictions of "corruption."

    其 他 著 作
    1. 邊城
    2. 邊城
    3. 《沈從文自傳》(附《邊城》)【120周年誕辰紀念經典版】
    4. 《沈從文自傳》(附《邊城》)【120周年誕辰紀念】限量精裝版
    5. 沈從文的寫作課
    6. 沈從文名作選集
    7. 邊城
    8. 我所愛過正當最好年齡的人:一九三○─一九六六年沈從文家書
    9. 邊城
    10. 中國服飾史
    11. 中國古代服飾研究
    12. 沈從文散文選
    13. 邊城
    14. 沈從文講文物
    15. 邊城
    16. 古人的文化
    17. 邊城
    18. 野人獻曝:沈從文的文物世界
    19. 邊城
    20. 沈從文短篇小說選
    21. 邊城
    22. 沈從文專集︰邊城
    23. 沈從文︰龍鳳藝術(XJD)
    24. 從文自傳
    25. 沈從文短篇小說選(中英對照)
    26. 沈從文選集
    27. 沈從文的湘西
    28. 邊城及其他 (三聯文庫 #61)
    29. 邊城及其他
    30. 邊城
    31. 我所生長的地方
    32. 我所生長的地方 (三聯文庫 #50)
    33. 沈從文家書
    34. 邊城
    35. 邊城
    36. 作家自傳錄
    37. 中國古代服飾研究(增訂本˙附索引˙臺版)
    38. 邊城
    39. 龍鳳藝術
    40. 沈從文文集 (全十二冊)
    41. 中國古代服飾研究(增訂本•附索引)