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  • 飲食 > 食譜 > 海鮮料理









    Eating Seafood Happily-Various Seafood Cooking Methods


    Commonly-Used Sauces for Seafood Dishes


    Buying and Processing Skills of Seafood

    海鮮快炒料理Stir-Frying Seafood Dishes

    腰果蝦仁 *保護心血管+潤腸通便

    Shrimps with Cashews

    *Provide cardiovascular protection and better digestion.

    宮保魷魚 *預防血管硬化+強化骨骼

    Kung Pao Squids

    *Prevent hardening of the blood vessels and strengthen bones.

    醋燒薑絲小卷 *預防肥胖+促進血液循環

    Inshore Squids Simmered in Vinegar Topped with Grated Ginger

    *Prevent obesity and enhance blood circulation.

    滑蛋蝦仁 *增強免疫力+保護肝臟

    Stir-Fried Peeled Shrimps with Eggs

    *Strengthen the immune system and protect liver.

    百合蟹管肉 *營養滋補+預防動脈硬化

    Crab Legs with Lily

    *Provide nutrition and prevent atherosclerosis.

    豆苗蝦仁 *提振食慾+美膚養顏

    Peeled Shrimps with Peapod Stems

    *Improve appetite and skin texture.

    XO醬百花油條 *滋補開胃+促進肌肉生長

    Chinese Fritters with XO Sauce

    *Provide great appetizer and promote growth of muscle.

    避風塘炒蟹 *幫助消化+養筋活血

    Typhoon Shelter Crab

    *Promote digestion, blood circulation and maintain tendons.

    櫻花蝦高麗菜 *強筋健骨+預防癌症

    Shrimps with Cabbage

    *Maintain tendon and bone health, help prevent cancer.

    生菜蝦鬆 *清熱利尿+降低膽固醇

    Minced Shrimps Lettuce Salad

    *Provide body cooling and slightly diuretic, reduce cholesterol level.

    沙茶海瓜子 *調節血脂+防止動脈硬化

    Clams with Shacha Sauce

    *Regulating blood lipid level and prevent atherosclerosis.

    醬爆雙脆 *保護眼睛+清熱利尿

    Soy sauce fry double cracking

    *Protect eyesight, provide body cooling and slightly diuretic.

    三杯蟹腳 *補養體力+清熱活血

    Three-Cup Crab Legs

    *Revitalization and body cooling and promote blood circulation.

    豆豉鮮蚵 *提振精力+促進新陳代謝

    Fresh Oysters with Fermented Black Beans

    *Energizing and enhance metabolism.

    絲瓜蛤蜊 *清熱化痰+降低膽固醇

    Clams with Loofah

    *Provide body cooling, throat soothing and reduce cholesterol level.

    彩椒百合炒中卷 *強身健體+寧心安神

    Stir-Fried Squids with Colorful Bell Peppers and Lily

    *Improve physical fitness and reduce irritability.

    蘆筍炒花枝 *消除疲勞+延緩老化

    Stir-Fried Cuttlefish with Asparagus

    *Reduce fatigue and slow aging.

    塔香炒雪螺 *清熱明目+有益脾胃

    Stir-Fried Conches with Basil Leaves

    *Provide body cooling, protect eyesight protection and stomach.

    蒜子透抽煲 *穩定血壓+對抗疲勞

    Squids and Garlic Pot

    *Stabilize blood pressure and fight fatigue.

    涼瓜炒三點蟹 *清熱解毒+開胃潤肺

    Stir-Fried Three-Spotted Swimmer Crabs with Bitter Melons

    *Provide detoxification, an appetizer, and be good for lungs.

    海鮮蒸煮料理Steaming Seafood Dishes

    蒜茸蒸蝦 *滋補強心+抗腫瘤

    Steamed Shrimps with Garlic Sauce

    *Provide nutrition to cardiac conditions and prevent tumor growth.

    五味小墨魚 *緩解疲勞+延緩衰老

    Small Cuttlefish in Five-Flavor Sauce

    *Relieve fatigue and delay aging.

    鮮蝦蒸蛋 *補充能量+強健骨骼

    Steamed Eggs with Fresh Shrimps

    *Supply energy and strengthen bones.

    蔥油海蜇頭 *維持肌膚彈性+保護心血管

    Jellyfish Head with Scallion Oil

    *Maintain skin elasticity and provide cardiovascular protection.

    藥膳蝦 *降低膽固醇+強化視力

    Shrimps with Chinese Healthy Medicine

    *Reduce cholesterol and enhance eyesight.

    水煮蝦 *補養元氣+開胃化痰

    Boiled Shrimps

    *Nourish energy, provide an appetizer and throat soothing.

    花瓜燒旭蟹 *強化骨骼+滋補身體

    Braised Frog Crabs with Pickled Cucumbers

    *Strengthen bones and nourish body.

    蝦醬蒸鮮魷 *強化骨骼+利於造血

    Steamed Fresh Squids with Shrimp Paste

    *Strengthen bones and be good for blood generating.

    樹子蒸小卷 *強化心血管+消除疲勞

    Steamed Squids with Plum Cordia

    *Strengthen cardiovascular system and relieve fatigue.

    百花豆腐 *提振食慾+補身健體

    Hundred Flower Tofu

    *Improve appetite and boost physical fitness.

    麻辣拌蜇絲 *降血壓+潤腸通便

    Spicy Jellyfish Threads

    *Reduce blood pressure and improve digestion.

    芥末花枝 *補充腦力+強健肝臟

    Cuttlefish with Mustard

    *Enhance brain activity and strengthen liver.

    蛤蜊蒸蛋 *降低膽固醇+健腦益智

    Steamed Eggs with Clams

    *Reduce cholesterol level and improve brain activity.

    紅燒蝦米豆腐 *強化骨骼+調節脾胃

    Braised Tofu with Small Dried Shrimps

    *Strengthen bones and regulate stomach functions.

    樹子蒸旭蟹 *促進消化+預防皮膚老化

    Steamed Frog Crabs with Plum Cordia

    *Enhance digestion and prevent skin aging.

    豉汁陳皮蝦 *消除疲勞+強化腦力

    Citrus Peel Shrimps with Black Bean Sauce

    *Reduce fatigue and enhance brain activity.

    香茅檸檬蝦 *消除疲勞+增強抵抗力

    Lemongrass Shrimps

    *Reduce fatigue and enhance immune system.

    剝皮椒蒸蟹 *促進新陳代謝+強化骨骼

    Steamed Crabs with Peeled Chili Peppers

    *Enhance metabolism and strengthen bones.

    蔥燒烏參 *活血益氣+補虛養腎

    Braised Sea Cucumbers with Scallions

    *Improve blood circulation and protect kidneys.

    豉汁蒸九孔 *清肝明目+消脂降壓

    Steamed Taiwanese Abalones with Fermented Black Beans

    *Cleanse liver, protect eyesight, reduce blood lipid level and blood pressure.

    咖哩燒螃蟹 *健胃助消化+對抗衰老

    Curry Crabs

    *Help digestion and prevent aging.

    蝦卵拌西芹 *調節免疫力+增強體力

    Shrimp Eggs with Celery

    *Regulate immune system and enhance physical strength.

    海鮮煎炸料理Pan-Frying Seafood Dishes

    吉利優格蝦 *增進消化+緩和壓力

    Lucky Yogurt Shrimps

    *Enhance digestion and relieve pressure.

    起士焗大蝦 *強健骨骼+預防骨質疏鬆

    Baked Cheese Shrimps

    *Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis.

    炸蝦卷 *預防動脈硬化+補虛養身

    Fried Shrimp Rolls

    *Prevent atherosclerosis and nourish physical fitness.

    鹽熗蝦 *開胃益氣+補腎壯陽

    Salted and Marinated Shrimps

    *Whet appetite and nourish Kidney.

    蜂巢炸蝦丸 *保護心血管+促進發育

    Deep-Fried Shrimp Balls

    *Provide cardiovascular protection and promote growth.

    金沙軟殼蟹 *降脂降壓+補充鈣質

    Golden Sand Soft-Shell Crabs

    *Lower body fat, blood pressure, and supply calcium.

    鮮蚵烘蛋 *增加抵抗力+促進發育

    Backed Oysters with Eggs

    *Enhance immune system and promote body growth.

    蒜香魷魚 *養胃潤膚+強化肝臟

    Garlic Squids

    *Sooth stomach, tone skin and strengthen liver.

    捲香胡椒蟹 *健脾開胃+促進血液循環

    Peppered Crabs

    *Nourish spleen, improve appetite and blood circulation.

    酥炸小卷 *強壯骨骼+降低膽固醇

    Fried Squids

    *Strengthen bones and reduce cholesterol.

    鮮蚵酥 *強肝解毒+養顏美容

    Fried Fresh Oysters

    *Strengthen liver, detoxicate and skincare.

    勁醬煎帶子 *補益健身+預防癌症

    Pan-Fried Scallops with Sauce

    *Tone physical fitness and prevent cancer.

    西檸蝦球 *調節免疫力+強化腦細胞

    Lemon Shrimp Balls

    *Regulate immune system and strengthen brain cells.

    蘋果干貝酥 *滋陰潤燥+軟化血管

    Fried Scallops with Apples

    *Nourishment and soften blood vessels.

    糖醋蝦士多 *保養心臟+防治高血壓

    Sweet and Sour Shrimps

    *Provide heart protection and prevent high blood pressure.

    椒鹽吊片 *預防貧血+有利骨骼發育

    Salt and Pepper Octopus

    *Prevent anemia and beneficial to bone growth.

    月亮蝦餅 *提振食慾+潤燥化痰

    Moon Shrimp Cakes

    *Improve appetite and sooth throat.

    其 他 著 作
    1. 喝煲湯養生祕訣:38道暖心又暖胃的絕品好湯
    2. 異國料理:學做世界美食的第一本書(全新增訂版)
    3. 海鮮料理
    4. 好吃家常麵
    5. 養生燉補湯
    6. 來碗家常麵
    7. 燉補煲好湯
    8. 餐桌上的香料百科:從初學到進階,料理、做醬、調香、文化的全食材事典(暢銷典藏版)
    9. 米飯料理
    10. 超人氣海鮮
    11. 蛋.豆腐
    12. 滋補燉湯
    13. 海鮮、魚料理王
    14. 家常麵料理王
    15. 炒飯料理王
    16. 燉湯料理王
    17. 異國料理
    18. 美味好湯自己做
    19. 55道家常麵口味多
    20. 魚料理美味多樣(中英對照)
    21. 排骨料理真有味(中英對照)
    22. 豆腐料理美味秘訣(中英對照)
    23. 爆紅人氣川菜湘菜
    24. 豆腐料理這樣做超好吃
    25. 排骨料理煎炸蒸煮變化多
    26. 一個鍋子同時做三道菜
    27. 排骨料理炸滷蒸燉
    28. 讓你學會海產店招牌菜
    29. 健康魚料理
    30. 吃海鮮生猛新鮮
    31. 魚料理營養豐富
    32. 400 道素食家常菜聖經
    33. 臘味的神奇妙用
    34. 水果做醬變好菜:85道名廚傳授的清爽果香料理
    35. 麵王
    36. 飯王