出版過的著作包括有:《Inside the oval office: The White House Tapes from FDR to Clinton》本書榮獲《紐約時報》一九九九年重要選書(Notable Book),著作《An American Insurrection: James Meredith and the Battle of Oxford, Mississippi, 1962》,在二○○二年贏得美國律師協會與美國圖書館學會的書獎。
二○○四年他與倫敦警察隊高級警官約翰.雪特佛(John Shatford)合作出版《Dome Raiders: How Scotland Yard foiled the Greatest Robbery of all Time》。一九九八年他在A&E Network的特別節目「The Secret White House Tapes」獲得美國作家協會的最佳電視紀錄片獎。他同時也是紐約HBO的原創節目製作人。
Josephine Shih / USA 2007.03.24看Josephine Shih的所有評論
The book is very well written. At frist I was not sure about getting it. Once I opened the book, I was not able to put it down. If you only read the portion on the introduction page, you are missing out! This book gives you a lot more than that - the spirit of cooking: tasting, tasting & tasting. I am only reading one third of the book and already cannot wait to get all that is needed for a Tokyo kitchen.