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Dave Chaffey,Tanya Hemphill,David Edmundson-Bird
440.00  元
HK$ 418  

  • 叢書系列:大學商管
  • 規格:平裝 / 680頁 / 19.7 x 26.3 x 3.4 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 7版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 管理類 > 行銷 > 行銷管理

      Written in an engaging and informative style, Digital Business and E-Commerce Management will give you the knowledge and skills to be able to handle the speed of change faced by organisations in the digital world. In this seventh edition of the book, Chaffey, Hemphill and Edmundson-Bird bring together the most recent academic and practitioner thinking, covering all aspects of digital business including strategy, digital comms and transformation.


      This new edition of Dave Chaffey’s bestselling book, joined this time by fellow authors Tanya Hemphill and David Edmundson-Bird, is your guide to answering these tough questions. Written in an engaging and informative style, Digital Business and E-Commerce Management will give you the knowledge and skills to be able to handle the speed of change faced by organisations in the digital world.

      In this seventh edition of the book, Chaffey, Hemphill and Edmundson-Bird bring together the most recent academic and practitioner thinking. Covering all aspects of digital business including strategy, digital comms and transformation, Digital Business and E-Commerce Management gives you the benefit of:

      · A structured approach to review, plan and implement a digital business strategy for all types of organisation

      · The latest on digital marketing techniques in SEO, social media comms and content marketing

      · All new case studies providing examples of organisations and their experiences of digital business and e-commerce

      · A brand new chapter introducing the concepts of digital business transformation and growth hacking

      Whether you’re a student studying digital business and e-commerce, a marketer or a business manager, Digital Business and E-Commerce   Management is the essential text to help you understand and apply the concepts of ‘Digital’, strategy and implementation.


    Brief contents


    About the author

    Publisher’s acknowledgements

    Part 1 - Introduction

    1 Introduction to digital business

    2 Opportunity analysis for digital business and e-commerce

    3 Managing digital business infrastructure

    4 Key issues in the digital environment

    Part 2 - Strategy and applications

    5 Digital business strategy

    6 Supply chain and demand

    7 Digital marketing

    8 Customer relationship management

    Part 3 Implementation

    9 Customer experience and service design

    10 Managing digital transformation and growth hacking



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