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James Brown,Hanna Hu
599.00  元
HK$ 569.05  

  • 叢書系列:考試王
  • 規格:平裝 / 2000頁 / 17 x 23 x 10 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 語言能力檢定測驗 > IELTS雅思







    Chapter1日常生活 Daily Life

    Chapter2 旅遊及觀光 Travel and Tourism

    Chapter3 計畫 Plans

    Chapter4 商業經營 Business

    Chapter5 給予意見 Opinions

    Chapter6 差異與變化 Differences and Changes

    Chapter7 各個地方 Places

    Chapter8 媒體 The Media

    Chapter9 家人與朋友 Family and Friends

    Chapter10 人物 People

    Chapter11 藝術與博物館 Art and Museums

    Chapter12 科技 Technology

    Chapter13 喜歡跟不喜歡 Likes and Dislikes

    Chapter14 想法與資訊 Ideas and Information

    Chapter15 運動與健康 Sport and Health

    Chapter16 環境 The Environment







    Chapter 1 介紹──關於測驗 Introduction – about the test

    Chapter 2 我第一步該怎麼做? What should I do first?

    Chapter 3 複習 Review

    Chapter 4 選擇題(單選)Multiple choice (one word)

    Chapter 5 內容配對 Matching features

    Chapter 6 複習 Review

    Chapter 7 標籤圖表 Diagram Labelling

    Chapter 8 完成句子 Sentence Completion

    Chapter 9 複習 Review

    Chapter 10 資訊配對(正確�錯誤�資訊不明)Matching Information TFNG (True, False, Not Given)

    Chapter 11 完成筆記 Note Completion

    Chapter 12 複習 Review

    Chapter 13 選擇題(多選)Multiple choice (2-3 choices)

    Chapter 14 完成表格 Table Completion

    Chapter 15 複習 Review

    Chapter 16 選項配對(是�否�資訊不明)Matching Opinions YNNG (Yes, No, Not Given)

    Chapter 17 段落題目 Paragraph Headings

    Chapter 18 複習 Review

    Chapter 19 完成概要(使用框框中的字)Summary completion (words from the box)

    Chapter 20 簡答題 Short Answer Questions

    Chapter 21 複習 Review

    Chapter 22 完成概要(使用文章中的字)Summary Completion (words from the text)

    Chapter 23 選擇最佳的標題 Choose the best title

    Chapter 24 複習 Review

    Chapter 25 練習題 Practice Test







    Chapter 1 關於雅思寫作 About the IELTS Writing Test

    Chapter 2 關於寫作任務一(學術組)About Writing Task One (Academic)

    Chapter 3 關於寫作任務一(一般組)About Writing Task One (General Training)

    Chapter 4 關於寫作任務二 About Writing Task Two

    Chapter 5 想法及靈感 Ideas and Inspiration



    Chapter 6 折線圖 Line Graphs

    Chapter 7 長條圖 Bar Charts

    Chapter 8 圓餅圖 Pie Charts

    Chapter 9 表格 Tables

    Chapter 10 流程表 Process Diagrams

    Chapter 11 圖表 Diagrams

    Chapter 12 地圖 Maps

    Chapter 13 混合題型 Mixed Data



    Chapter 14 正式信件 Formal Letter

    Chapter 15 半正式信件 Semi-formal Letter

    Chapter 16 非正式信件 Informal Letter



    Chapter 17 同意或不同意 Agree or Disagree

    Chapter 18 討論兩方想法並提出自己的意見 Discuss Both Views and Give Your Own Opinion

    Chapter 19 優缺點 Advantages and Disadvantages

    Chapter 20 原因及影響 Causes and Effects

    Chapter 21 原因與解決辦法 Causes and Solutions

    Chapter 22 兩部分問題 Two-part Question



    Chapter 23 時間控制 Timing

    Chapter 24 寫作任務一 Practice Task 1

    Chapter 25 寫作任務二 Practice Task 2







    Chapter 01?? 關於雅思測驗

    About the IELTS Test

    Chapter 02?? 關於雅思聽力測驗

    About the IELTS Listening Test

    Chapter 03?? 雅思聽力測驗的準備及技巧

    Preparation and Tips for the IELTS Listening Test

    |第一部分 |

    Chapter 04?? 關於時間與日期的聽力測驗題型

    Listening for Times and Dates

    Chapter 05?? 關於數字的聽力測驗題型

    Listening for Numbers

    Chapter 06?? 關於個人資訊的聽力測驗題型

    Listening for Personal Information

    Chapter 07?? 關於度量衡單位的聽力測驗題型

    Listening for Units of Measurement

    Chapter 08?? 第一部分:複習

    Section One: Review

    |第二部分 |

    Chapter 09?? 關於地點與問路的聽力測驗題型

    Listening for Places and Directions

    Chapter 10?? 聆聽關鍵字

    Listening for Keywords

    Chapter 11?? 做出合理的推理

    Making Logical Inferences

    Chapter 12?? 認識否定(或矛盾)題型

    Understanding Contradictions

    Chapter 13?? 第二部分:複習

    Section Two: Review

    |第三部分 |

    Chapter 14?? 態度及意見

    Attitudes and Opinions

    Chapter 15?? 拼字


    Chapter 16?? 了解大意

    Understanding the Bigger Picture

    Chapter 17? 利用視覺的提示

    Using Visual Clues

    Chapter 18?? 第三部分:複習

    Section Three: Review

    |第四部分 |

    Chapter 19?? 了解圖表

    Understanding Diagrams

    Chapter 20?? 了解流程圖

    Understanding Flowcharts

    Chapter 21?? 摘要填空

    Completing Summaries

    Chapter 22?? 了解多重選擇題

    Understanding Multiple-choice Questions

    Chapter 23?? 第四部分:複習

    Section Four: Review


    Chapter 24?? 雅思聽力模擬測驗 1

    Listening Practice Test 1

    Chapter 25?? 雅思聽力模擬測驗 2

    Listening Practice Test 2




      It is impossible to include every useful word and cover every aspect of grammar in an IELTS test preparation book. We have tried to cover some useful topics and include some key points we feel are the most useful for you in your study. As such, we have tried to highlight frequent errors, common areas of confusion and useful structures for all parts of the test. ?

      Each unit is structured around a central topic which you are likely to come across in the IELTS test.? Every unit begins with a short warm up, followed by vocabulary and exercises. This is followed by a key grammar point for the unit. Finally a review section helps you to remember what you learned.

      Rather than only including a list of individual words, we show you how to use words in sentences and how to improve your own sentences by using phrases and combinations of words together.? In the grammar section of each unit, you will find useful tips and helpful explanations to help you understand how to use the structures. In addition, examples which can be used in the IELTS test for both speaking and writing are included so that you can understand how to apply your own knowledge in the real exam. Lastly, the review exercises focus on different aspects of the speaking and writing test, to help you to feel more confident and understand what you need to do to improve both your range and accuracy while using English.

      I hope that you find this book useful, and wish you every success in your test!


      每個單元的主題都是雅思常考範圍,並且有簡短的warm up及字彙練習等自我訓練的方式,除此之外,更在每一個單元中解釋一項常考文法要點,最後由類似考試題型的方式作為複習總結,本書除了有單字之外,我們還將常用片語及短語等整理出高分用法,讓考生在口說及寫作考試時可以輕鬆展現高分能力。


    James Brown、Hanna Hu

    其 他 著 作
    1. 連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思4回模擬試題+解析(2書+附「Youtor App」內含VRP虛擬點讀筆+防水書套)
    2. 連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思全系列【網路獨家套書】(5書+3CD)
    3. 連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思【口說�寫作高分祕笈】【網路獨家套書】 (2書+1CD)
    4. 連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思口說高分祕笈(附1CD)
    5. 連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思單字+文法�閱讀�寫作解題祕笈【博客來獨家套書】
    6. 連雅思主考官都讚嘆的雅思聽力解題祕笈(附1CD)