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Basic Business Statistics: Concepts and Applications (GE) (14版)


Mark L. Berenson,David M. Levine,Kathryn A. Szabat,David F. Stephan
460.00  元
HK$ 460  

  • 叢書系列:統計學
  • 規格:平裝 / 838頁 / 21.8 x 27.6 x 4.19 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 14版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 商業理財 > 會計/統計 > 統計學

      In this fourteenth edition, Statistics for Business and Economics continues to help students see the relevance of statistics to their own careers through examples from various business functionalities, emphasis on interpretation and decision making, and use of data analysis software.

      New to This Edition

      1.A First Things First Chapter that illustrates how developments in business analytics and "big data" have made understanding statistics that much more critical.

      2.JMP Guides, in addition to updated Excel and Minitab Guides, that provide detailed,hands-on instructions for using JMP to illustrate the concepts that this book teaches.

      3.A Business Analytics Chapter that makes extensive use of JMP and Minitab to illustrate predictive analytics for prediction, classification, clustering, and association.

      4.Tabular Summaries that state hypothesis test and regression example results along with the conclusions that those results support.


    Ch 1 Defining and Collecting Data

    Ch 2 Organizing and Visualizing Variables

    Ch 3 Numerical Descriptive Measures

    Ch 4 Basic Probability

    Ch 5 Discrete Probability Distributions

    Ch 6 The Normal Distribution and Other Continuous Distributions

    Ch 7 Sampling Distributions

    Ch 8 Confidence Interval Estimation

    Ch 9 Fundamentals of Hypothesis Testing: One-Sample Tests

    Ch10 Two-Sample Tests

    Ch11 Analysis of Variance

    Ch12 Chi-Square and Nonparametric Tests

    Ch13 Simple Linear Regression

    Ch14 Introduction to Multiple Regression

    Ch15 Multiple Regression Model Building

    Ch16 Time-Series Forecasting

    Ch17 Business Analytics

    Ch18 Getting Ready to Analyze Data in the Future

    Ch19 Statistical Applications in Quality Management (online)

    Ch20 Decision Making (online)

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