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Calculus & Its Applications (GE)(14版)


Larry J. Goldstein,David C. Lay,David I. Schneider,Nakhle H. Asmar
460.00  元
HK$ 460  

  • 叢書系列:微積分
  • 規格:平裝 / 610頁 / 21.7 x 27.7 x 2 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷 / 14版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 數理化類 > 數學

      Calculus & Its Applications builds intuition with key concepts of calculus before the analytical material. For example, the authors explain the derivative geometrically before they present limits, and they introduce the definite integral intuitively via the notion of net change before they discuss Riemann sums.

      The strategic organisation of topics makes it easy to adjust the level of theoretical material covered. The significant applications introduced early in the course serve to motivate students and make the mathematics more accessible. Another unique aspect of the text is its intuitive use of differential equations to model a variety of phenomena in Chapter 5, which addresses applications of exponential and logarithmic functions.


    Ch 0 Functions

    Ch 1 The Derivative

    Ch 2 Applications of the Derivative

    Ch 3 Techniques of Differentiation

    Ch 4 The Exponential and Natural Logarithm Functions

    Ch 5 Applications of the Exponential and Natural Logarithm Functions

    Ch 6 The Definite Integral

    Ch 7 Functions of Several Variables

    Ch 8 The Trigonometric Functions

    Ch 9 Techniques of Integration

    Ch10 Differential Equations

    Ch11 Taylor Polynomials and Infinite Series

    Ch12 Probability and Calculus

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