Negotiations are a part of everyday life, whether negotiating with your loved ones on whether to attend an event, or locked in competition over a multimillion dollar deal.? I personally have been a? hobbyist in reading about negotiation, ever since my handling of the Evelyn Chang terrorist-kidnapping incident in the southern Philippines, as I found myself scrambling during the crisis on how to best handle the high-risk negotiations that were ongoing.? The principles and ideas Dr. Malhotra discuss, particularly around the concept of "framing", are ideas and concepts I wish I had understood more clearly, as I believe particularly his examples dealing with international geopolitical level negotiations would have been extremely helpful to me in that situation, as well as my everyday business negotiation dealings today. 」──黑熊貓國際安全公司執行長 、前美國陸軍特種部隊綠扁帽指揮官 余靖
「本書內容恰如書名所宣示,完成了不可能的談判。作者借鏡歷史上赫赫有名的棘手談判,為日常生活中的談判場景提供了實用的範例—包括在束手無策的情況下,也能派上用場的三種談判法?,本書堪稱是所有談判者必備的至尊?典。」──《未來在等待的銷售人才》(To Sell is Human)作者 丹尼爾.品克 (Daniel Pink)
「本書提供了大量的實用原則,以及內容引人入勝的真實案例,肯定是歷來最實用且最好看的談判書!」──《哈佛這樣教談判力》(Getting to Yes)共同作者 威廉.尤瑞 (William Ury)
「作者是談判與外交圈內極少數擁有談判實務經驗的學者,曾親自上陣或在幕後擘畫當代幾個最困難的談判。作者能見人之所未見—而且全都寫在本書裡。」──英國前首相布萊爾的幕僚長,英國與北愛爾蘭談判首席代表,Inter-Mediate公司創辦人,《與恐怖份子談判》(Talking to Terrorists)作者 強納森.鮑爾(Jonathan Powell)
《我搬走了你的奶酪》(I Moved Your Cheese)這本《華爾街日報》推崇備至,已經全球翻譯暢銷多年的執筆者,印裔美籍哈佛商學院的大師,狄帕克.馬侯特拉,再度重砲轟出這本人人必讀的談判經典之作:《雙贏談判》!
光是看到他採用的英文書名:Negotiating the Impossible ,和它的副標:How to break deadlocks and resolve ugly conflicts (without money or muscle),就不難知道這是本擲地有聲,兼具談判技巧手?的實用性,也闡?談判哲理和歷史上經典著名案例。