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The Therapist’s Notebook for Children and Adolescents: Homework, Handouts, and Activities for Use in Psychotherapy


Sori, Catherine Ford (EDT)/ Hecker, Lorna L. (EDT)/ Bachenberg, Molli E. (EDT)/ Gil, Eliana (FRW)
548.00  元
HK$ 520.6  

  • 規格:平裝 / 21.6 x 27.3 x 2.5 cm / 普通級 / 再版

  • [ 尚未分類 ]

    Spurred by new trends and research in recent years, this updated, revised, and expanded second edition adds 60 percent more new material with an enlarged section on dealing with adolescents regarding topics such as culture, sex, and suicide, adds an entire section on art therapy, and addresses the specific needs of therapists working in schools. Theory undergirds issues such as attachment, solution-focused, narrative, Adlerian, and cognitive approaches. The book covers trauma, abuse, suicide, ADHD, autism spectrum, bullying, crisis recovery, and learning problems. Fifty-two chapters are divided into 10 sections: the role and use of play in child and family therapy; working with children’s emotions; strengthening attachment bonds; specific childhood problems; trauma and suicidal ideation; adolescents, culture, and special topics; illness and bereavement; specific approaches and interventions; counseling in schools, groups, and clinical settings; tools for parents and clinicians. Annotation c2015 Ringgold, Inc., Portland, OR (protoview.com)

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