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123.00  元
HK$ 104.55  

  • 規格:平裝 / 368頁 / 25k正 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 普通級 / 雙色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 文法/句型









    Level 1

    01 There be (not)…

    There is a modern girl.

    02 主詞+sound / feel / taste / look (like)…

    Her idea sounds like fun.

    03 What is / does…like?

    What does this building look like?

    04 Would you like…?

    Would you like some water?

    05 How about / What about…?

    What about another cup of tea?

    06 How long / soon / often…?

    How long does it take to fly to Shanghai?

    07 too…+(for sb. / sth.)+to…

    One is never too old to learn.

    08 (not)…+enough (+…)+ to do sth.

    There is enough food for all of us.

    09 Lets / Let us…

    Lets go for a walk.

    10 Not both / all / every…

    Not all birds can fly.

    11 get+V-ed…

    I got surprised at the news.

    12 Once…

    Once you begin, you must go on.



    Level 2

    13 Whats the matter (with)…?

    Whats the matter with you?

    14 It doesnt matter (if / whether)…

    It doesnt matter whether he doesnt help us.

    15 (It is) no wonder (that)…

    It is no wonder you were so late.

    16 It takes (sb.)+時間段+to V

    It will take five days to complete the journey.

    17 Why not…?

    Why not take a rest in KFC?

    18 What do you think of / about…?

    What do you think of / about the movie?

    19 Will / Would you (please)…?

    Would you please take me to the hospital?

    20 as…as possible

    Go to the doctor as soon as possible!

    21 …as soon as…

    I recognized her as soon as I saw her.

    22 so +助動詞+主詞

    She cried, and so did the others.

    23 It be+時間段+before…

    It will be six months before we meet again.

    24 It be+not long before…

    It was not long before the ambulance arrived.

    25 及物動詞+人 / 物+名詞

    Her father named her Anna.

    26 及物動詞+人 / 物+形容詞

    Keep the kids quiet, please.



    Level 3

    27 unless…

    I cant finish it myself unless you help me.

    28 whether…or…

    We dont know whether he will succeed or fail.

    29 Isnt (Dont / Cant / Wont…)+sb.…?

    Isnt it a fine day?

    30 What / How…!

    How lovely a baby she was!

    31 Do / Would you mind…?

    Do you mind if I turn on the radio?

    32 not only…but also…

    The story is not only interesting but also instructive.

    33 It+adj+of / for sb.+to V....

    Its important for us to learn English well.

    34 I dont think / suppose / believe that…

    I dont think he will come this afternoon.

    35 Its time (for sb.) to do sth.…

    Its time for you to clean the classroom.

    36 It is+the+序數+time+that子句

    It was the first time that I had met her.

    37 by the time…

    By the time I got to the airport, the plane had taken off.

    38 so that…

    They got up early so that they could catch the first bus.



    Level 4

    39 I wish…

    I wish (that) I had a better memory.

    40 or / otherwise…

    Hurry up, or you wont catch up the train.

    41 more than…

    Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too.

    42 比較級+than

    My bicycle is cheaper than yours.

    43 the+比較級, the+比較級

    The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance.

    44 Im afraid (that)

    Im afraid you are late.

    45 It is / was...that / who…

    It was they that / who cleaned the classroom this morning.

    46 It is obvious / clear that

    It is obvious / clear that she is terribly nervous on stage.

    47 It is a pity (shame/surprise…) that

    It is a pity that our team should lose the game.

    48 How (What / When…)+to do…?

    How to get rid of smoking?

    49 There is no+名詞+(in)+doing…

    There is no point in joking about such matters.

    50 sb.+情態動詞+have+過去分詞…

    You must have been mad to tell him the truth.



    Level 5

    51 so / such…that…

    This is such a cute baby that all of us like her very much.

    52 On the one hand…, on the other hand…

    On one hand, I am your teacher, and on the other, I am also your friend.

    53 both…and…

    Both Mr. Baker and his wife are very fond of music.

    54 prefer to…rather than…

    He prefers doing to talking.

    55 The reason why…is / was that…

    The reason why I was sad was that you didnt understand me.

    56 You had better (not)…

    Youd better go to hospital at once.

    57 even if / though…

    I like to study English even if / even though it is rather difficult for me.

    58 have…do / doing / done…

    I wont have the cheater cheat me any more.

    59 It is / was said (reported / hoped) that

    It is said that the food in this supermarket is cheaper.

    60 How…getting along / on…?

    How are you getting on with your sister?

    61 be+to+動詞

    You are to deliver these invitations before 5 p.m..

    62 It is/has been+…+since…

    It is just a week since I arrived here.



    Level 6

    63 be (not) supposed to…

    You are supposed to support your parents.

    64 Suppose / Supposing (that)…

    Suppose / Supposing that it rains, we wont go out.

    65 It seems / seemed that / as if…

    It seems (that) he was late for the train.

    66 Its (high / about) time that…

    It is time (that) we had classes.

    67 do nothing but do…

    I can do nothing but let him know.

    68 no matter+疑問詞…

    No matter what happened, we would support you.

    69 Not until…

    Not until he informed me of this did I know it.

    70 Hardly / Scarcely…when / before…

    Hardly had I arrived at the station when the train left.

    71 What if…?

    What if your parents dont agree?

    72 If only…

    If only she has another chance, she will do better









      所以,我將平時生活中最常出現、使用頻率最高的72種句型彙集整理成這一本書,再將這72種句型分為6大類,每篇皆以【戰勝關鍵句型點】→【實際演練會話線】→【例句連發超有感】→【快速挑戰過難關】→【補充加強文法面】的五步驟方式,從點到線、從線到面地融會貫通英文概念,為的就是讓你能夠一本戰勝句型,克服「英文句子恐懼症」,往後看到再長的句子都可以直覺反應一秒看懂,無論聽說讀寫都能運用自如,這才是真正攻頂、 征服英文的不二法門!


    其 他 著 作
    1. 全方面破解生活英文單字:句型示範╳對話練習╳實戰應用的速成三「步」曲
    2. 這本單字最好背!英文滿分筆記,串燒英文單字讓你過目不忘
    3. 這些單字最常用!蜂巢式記憶法 一網打盡生活必備英文單字
    4. 英文句型完全搞定:初學者也能馬上學會的點線面致勝法
    5. 一次掌握必學英文文法 :強效圖解 ╳ 簡化表格 ╳ 分析句構的必勝「十」堂課
    6. 深度解密!真正用得到的關鍵英文單字深化學習祕笈
    7. 逆轉英文,關鍵3000英文單字課!:出社會以後,學真正用得到的英文單字就夠了
    8. 高手過招,關鍵10堂英文文法課!:職場應用╳考試進修,為自己的未來爭一口氣!
    9. 一本戰勝!7000英單高效率教戰手冊,單字記憶過目不忘! (附1MP3+1紅膠片)
    10. 英文文法簡單到不行:更多例句,更多練習題,造就更強的英語力!(豪華增修版)
    11. 圖解第一本真的學得會的50個英文句型
    12. 英文單字有規則 (附1書+1光碟):40式詞性變化幫你用對方法背單字
    13. 串燒英文單字:過目不忘的英單記憶法!(附「一單字一音軌細細品嚐+多單字一音軌百變口感」超值串燒英文單字MP3)
    14. 兩堂不可不上的基礎英文入門課(2書+1MP3+1影音光碟)
    15. 7000單字,看這本就夠了(暢銷增訂版)(附7000單字全程中英錄音MP3(共355分鐘)+ 隨翻隨記紅膠片)
    16. 英文文法簡單到不行:暢銷增訂版(附文法口訣MP3+120分鐘教學精華實錄)
    17. 專為華人設計的十堂英文單字課〔附贈:中英收錄學習160分鐘 MP3〕
    18. 什麼?原來是這個意思?:你一定要搞懂的英文易混淆單字
    19. 英文單字好好背,用對方法就不累!〔附贈:超值教學光碟-補教名師教你學好英文DVD〕
    20. New TOEIC 答題速度特訓班:3000道閱讀試題,全面提升應戰力! (特別收錄全英短句MP3,字彙力 + 聽力同步訓練!)
    21. 用對方法背單字(附贈外師親錄中英學習MP3)
    22. 一眼就記英文單字 (附中英收錄232分鐘MP3)
    23. 不敢不學的基礎英文關鍵句型課(附贈一影音光碟)
    24. 多益普級測驗單字,看這本就夠了(1書+1 MP3)
    25. 一定能說的英語會話(1書+全文收錄MP3)
    26. New TOEIC單字,看這本就夠了(1書+1MP3)
    27. 7000單字,看這本就夠了(附1MP3)
    28. 背單字原來如此!
    29. 英檢王初級全真試題(附CD)
    30. 英檢王中級全真試題(附2CD)