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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價93.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$74.4
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V.S. Vernon Jones
150.00  元
HK$ 142.5  

  • 叢書系列:American School Textbook
  • 規格:平裝 / 264頁 / 16k
    American School Textbook

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 聽力


    Step 1

    1?? ?The Bear and the Fox熊與狐狸?? ?

    2?? ?The Lion and the Wild Ass獅子與野驢

    3?? ?The Butcher and His Customers屠夫與客人

    4?? ?The Lioness and the Vixen母獅與狐狸

    5?? ?Father and Sons父與子

    6?? ?The Fox and the Grapes狐狸與葡萄

    7?? ?The Stag with One Eye獨眼雄鹿

    8?? ?The Wolf, the Fox, and the Ape狼、狐狸與猩猩

    9?? ?The Three Tradesmen三名工匠

    10?? ?The Man and the Lion男人與獅子

    11?? ?The Farmer and the Stork農人與鸛

    12?? ?The Boy Bathing洗澡的小男孩

    13?? ?The Eagle and the Cocks老鷹與公雞

    14?? ?The Flea and the Man跳蚤與人

    15?? ?The Gnat and the Bull蚊子與公牛

    16?? ?The Serpent and the Eagle蛇與老鷹

    17?? ?The Fir Tree and the Bramble樅樹與荊棘

    18?? ?The Crow and the Raven烏鴉與渡鴉

    19?? ?The Travelers and the Plane Tree旅行人與懸鈴木

    20?? ?The Sheep, the Wolf, and the Stag綿羊、狼與雄鹿

    21?? ?The Crow and the Pitcher烏鴉與水瓶

    22?? ?The Lion, the Fox, and the Ass獅子、狐狸與驢

    23?? ?The Laborer and the Snake工人與蛇

    24?? ?The Crab and the Fox螃蟹與狐狸

    25?? ?The Hound and the Hare獵犬與野兔

    26?? ?The Cat and the Cock貓與公雞

    27?? ?The Blind Man and the Cub盲人與幼獸

    28?? ?The Mouse and the Bull老鼠與公牛

    29?? ?The Spendthrift and the Swallow敗家子與燕

    30?? ?The Fox and the Monkey狐狸與猴子

    31?? ?The Shepherds Boy and the Wolf牧童與狼

    32?? ?The Crow and the Swan烏鴉與天鵝

    33?? ?The Wolf and the Horse狼與馬

    34?? ?The Caged Bird and the Bat籠中鳥與蝙蝠

    35?? ?The Farmer and the Fox農夫與狐狸

    36?? ?The Lion and the Bull獅子與公牛

    37?? ?The Hare and the Tortoise龜兔賽跑

    38?? ?The Goatherd and the Goat牧羊人與山羊

    39?? ?The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs下金蛋的鵝

    40?? ?The Bat and the Weasels蝙蝠與黃鼠狼

    41?? ?The Ass, the Cock, and the Lion驢子、公雞與獅子

    42?? ?The Boasting Traveler吹噓的旅人

    43?? ?The Lion and the Three Bulls獅子與三頭公牛

    44?? ?The Wolves and the Dogs狼與狗

    45?? ?The Ant螞蟻

    46?? ?The North Wind and the Sun北風與太陽

    47?? ?The Stag and the Vine雄鹿與葡萄藤

    48?? ?The Mischievous Dog淘氣的狗

    49?? ?The Farmer and Fortune農夫與命運女神

    50?? ?The Beekeeper養蜂人

    51?? ?The Boy and the Filberts男孩與榛果

    52?? ?The Shepherd and the Wolf牧羊人與狼

    53?? ?The Stag at the Pool池邊的雄鹿

    54?? ?The Bee and Jupiter蜜蜂與宙斯

    55?? ?Hercules and the Wagon Driver大力士海克力斯與馬車夫

    56?? ?The Ass and His Purchaser驢子與買主

    57?? ?The Bear and the Travelers熊與旅人

    58?? ?The Pack Ass and the Wild Ass家驢和野驢

    59?? ?The Frogs and the Well井裡的青蛙

    60?? ?The Dog and the Wolf狗與狼

    Step 2

    61?? ?The Peasant and the Apple Tree農人與蘋果樹

    62?? ?The Bat, the Bramble, and the Seagull蝙蝠、荊棘與海鷗

    63?? ?The Mice and the Weasels老鼠與黃鼠狼

    64?? ?The Ass, the Fox, and the Lion驢、狐狸與獅子

    65?? ?The Impostor騙子

    66?? ?The Cat and the Mice貓與鼠

    67?? ?The Eagle, the Jackdaw, and the Shepherd老鷹、寒鴉與牧羊人

    68?? ?The Lark and the Farmer雲雀與農夫

    69?? ?The Miser 守財奴

    70?? ?The Lion and the Mouse? 獅子與老鼠

    71?? ?The Milkmaid and Her Pail擠牛奶的姑娘

    72?? ?The Woman and the Farmer 女人與農人

    73?? ?The Monkey and the Dolphin 猴子與海豚

    74?? ?The Ass and His Burdens驢子與馱貨

    75?? ?The Farmer, His Boy, and the Rooks 農夫、男孩與禿鼻烏鴉

    76?? ?The Owl and the Birds 貓頭鷹與鳥

    77?? ?The Dog and the Cook狗與廚師

    78?? ?The Lion, the Wolf, and the Fox 獅子、狼與狐狸

    79?? ?The Eagle and the Beetle老鷹與甲蟲

    80?? ?The Old Woman and the Doctor 老婦與醫生

    81?? ?The Fox and the Goat狐狸與山羊

    82?? ?The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse 城市老鼠與鄉下老鼠

    83?? ?The Eagle and the Fox老鷹與狐狸

    Mercury and the Woodcutter水神與樵夫


    其 他 著 作
    1. 英文閱讀聽力素養訓練課:伊索寓言故事(20K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
    2. 英文閱讀聽力素養訓練課:伊索寓言故事(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
    3. FUN學伊索寓言:英語閱讀聽力訓練(25K +1MP3)
    4. 誦讀英文伊索寓言(25K)
    5. 誦讀英文伊索寓言(20K)