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Introduction to Plasma Phenomena and Plasma Medicine


Yasushi Nishida
600.00  元
HK$ 570  

  • 規格:平裝 / 416頁 / 17 x 23 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 醫藥衛生類 > 醫藥

      This book is intended to present the application of plasma phenomena to wide variety of fields. Therefore, even if the readers do not know the plasma phenomena at present, you could understand what the plasma is and what kind of typical characteristics it has. This book is useful for the people who are studying or working in the fields of chemical engineering, electronic engineering, energy and environmental engineering or medical surgery and treatment fields, as well as in the plasma major. However, the readers are required to have leaned fundamental electromagnetism for full understanding the contents of this book. After understanding or knowing the plasma characteristics, you could improve or develop new application fields based on the plasma.

      In Chapter 1, and through Chap. 4, what is the plasma is introduced by explaining terrestrial, space and astrophysical phenomena as well as artificially produced ones. These phenomena are easy to see or be made in daily life. In other words, plasmas are quite popular phenomena. The key techniques for keeping plasma in clean vessel are discussed by explaining the vacuum system. The standard diagnostic methods for obtaining plasma characteristics are also explained.

      From Chapter 5, and through Chap. 7, main parts of this book are described, including the application of plasma phenomena to the material processing, energy and environmental fields, medical fields, and the combined area of these fields. The controlled thermonuclear fusion is strongly anticipated phenomena for the future energy source. The nuclear fusion, however, has vast variety of engineering tasks and fields, but this book cannot cover entire subject with respect to nuclear fusion physics and engineering. Another advanced energy source is the high energy particle beam source. With help of plasma, this system is expected to become quite small, typically 1/1000, compared with the present high energy particle accelerators. Wide variety of applications to the environmental fields such as exhaust gases treatments are also introduced.

      On the other hand, fresh plants require a lot of carbon dioxide, CO2, as well as sun light. As a new technique for recycling of CO2, this gas is introduced into the greenhouse for cultivation of plants. Sterilization with use of plasma is one of other key techniques, by producing ozone in the oxygen. However, ozone is very toxic and it is not good in surrounding of human, and other nontoxic method is introduced.

      The applications of plasma to the medical fields have wide variety of fields, such as surgery, surface coating of the materials used within human body and many others. In the plasma surgery, for example, damages on the surround cells of the body are quite limited compared with use of metal surgery knives. The plasma medicine is an innovative and effective for therapeutic and surgery applications in the future.


    Chapter 1 What is Plasma?? ?

    1.1 Introduction

    1-1-1 Fluid model

    1-1-2 Kinetic model

    1-2 Artificially-Produced Plasma

    1-2-1 Plasma displays

    1-2-2 Fluorescent lamps and neon signs

    1-2-3 Industrial application

    1-2-4 Fusion energy researches

    1-3 Terrestrial Plasma

    1-3-1 Lightning

    1-3-2 Sprites

    1-3-3 St. Elmo’s fire

    1-3-4 The polar aurora, northern lights

    1-4 Space and Astrophysical Plasma

    1-4-1 The Sun and other stars

    1-4-2 The solar wind

    1-5 Definition of Plasma and Fundamental Characteristics

    1-5-1 Plasma properties and parameters

    1-5-2 Comparison of plasma and gas phases

    1-6 Complex Plasma Phenomena

    1-6-1 Filamentation

    1-6-2 Shocks or double layers

    1-6-3 Cellular structure

    1-6-4 Electric fields and circuits

    1-6-5 Critical ionization velocity

    1-6-6 Ultracold plasma

    1-6-7 Non-neutral plasma

    1-6-8 Dusty plasma and grain plasma

    Chapter 2 Methods for Plasma Production? ?

    2-1 Basic Mechanism of Plasma Production

    2-1-1 Townsend discharge and discharge start voltage

    2-1-2 Self- sustaining discharge voltage

    2-1-3 Structure of glow discharge

    2-1-4 High frequency discharge

    2-2 Plasma Production in Low Gas Pressure

    2-3 Plasma Production in High Gas Pressure

    2-3-1 Corona discharge

    2-3-2 Electric spark

    2-3-3 Dielectric barrier discharge

    2-4 Plasma Production by Lasers

    2-4-1 Introduction to physics of lasers

    2-4-2 Types of lasers

    2-4-3 Plasma production by lasers

    2-4-4 Laser classifications

    Chapter 3 Key Techniques for Plasma Production? ?

    3-1 Vacuum Technology

    3-1-1 Definition of vacuum

    3-1-2 Necessity of ultra-high vacuum (UHV)

    3-1-3 The mechanism of the vacuum pump operation

    3-2 Vacuum Theory Using Ideal Gas Properties

    3-2-1 Collision parameters

    3-2-2 Three regions of gas flow

    3-2-3 Molecular transport and pumping laws

    3-2-4 Pumping law in the high and

    ultra-high vacuum regions

    3-3 Practical Vacuum Techniques

    3-3-1 Transfer or rotary pump

    3-3-2 Diffusion pumps

    3-3-3 Turbomolecular pumps

    3-3-4 Sorption pump

    3-3-5 Simplified vacuum system design

    3-3-6 Summary of vacuum pumps and their characteristics

    3-4 Vacuum Measuring Technique

    3-4-1 Manometer

    3-4-2 Membrane gauge

    3-4-3 Electronic gauge

    Chapter 4 Plasma Diagnostics? ?

    4-1 Langmuir Probe Method

    4-1-1 Single probe [1,2]

    4-1-2 Emissive probe

    4-1-3 Double probe [4,5]

    4-1-4 Triple probe [6]

    4-1-5 High frequency resonance probe

    4-1-6 Ion sensitive probe

    4-2 Microwave Interferometry and Reflectmetry

    4-2-1 Plasma density measurements by microwave interferometry

    4-2-2 Plasma density measurement by microwave reflectometry

    4-2-3 Laser interferometry

    4-3 Spectroscopy

    4-3-1 Refraction of light

    4-3-2 Spectroscopy

    4-3-3 Instruments

    4-3-4 Measurement process

    4-3-5 Measured physical quantity

    4-4 Laser Spectroscopy

    4-4-1 Thomson scattering [18]

    4-4-2 Stark effect [19]

    4-4-3 Zeeman interaction [19]

    Chapter 5 Plasmas for Material Processing? ?

    5-1 Low Temperature Plasmas

    5-1-1 Plasma CVD and its characteristic feature

    5-1-2 Plasma source for plasma CVD

    5-1-3 Some examples of application of plasma CVD

    5-2 Thermal Plasma

    5-2-1 DC arc plasma

    5-2-2 RF torch plasma

    5-2-3 Microwave torch plasma

    Chapter 6 Applications to Energy and Environmental Fields

    6-1 Inroduction

    6-2 Light Source and Display Systems

    6-2-1 Light sources

    6-2-2 Plasma display [3,4]

    6-3 Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion for

    Future Energy Sources

    6-3-1 Principle of thermonuclear fusion

    6-3-2 Fusion devices and experimental


    6-3-3 Fusion sites and international


    6-4 Particle Beam Source

    6-4-1 Ion beam source

    6-4-2 Neutral beam source

    6-5 High Energy Particle Accelerator

    6-5-1 High energy particle accelerator

    6-5-2 Principle of charged particle acceleration

    6-5-3 Vp×B acceleration (Surfatron)

    6-5-4 Plasma beat wave accelerator

    6-5-5 Plasma wakefield acceleration

    6-5-6 Laser wakefield acceleration

    6-5-7 Acceleration distance and optical guiding

    6-6 Application to Environmental Engineering

    6-6-1 Ozone production and application

    6-6-2 Volatile organic compounds treatment by electrostatic precipitator

    6-6-3 Exhaust gas treatment by electrostatic precipitation

    6-6-4 Recycled usage of exhaust gases

    6-6-5 Sterilization by plasma

    Chapter 7 Biomedical Application of Plasma Technology? ?

    7-1 Introduction339

    7-2 Application of Plasma on Artificial Devices

    7-2-1 Effect of plasma treatment on biocompatibility and osseointegration of Ti implant

    7-2-2 Wettability of implant surface improved by plasma treatment

    7-2-3 Enhancement of wear and corrosion resistance by plasma treatment

    7-2-4 Anti-bacterial properties of plasma nitrided layers on biomedical devices

    7-2-5 The interaction between blood and material interfaces

    7-2-6 Influence of surface morphology on implant

    7-2-7 Pretreatment of biomaterial surface

    7-2-8 Application of plasma on biomaterials

    7-2-9 Application of plasma on Ti-based biomaterials

    7-3 Application of Argon Plasma on Tissue of Organism

    7-3-1 Basic principle of argon plasma coagulation (APC)

    7-3-2 Thermal injury caused by high power argon plasma

    7-3-3 Efficacy of APC therapy

    7-3-4 Dependence of pulsed mode APC

    Appendix? ?

    Index? ?

    Exercises? ?

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