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遊歷英語 Travel English

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  • 叢書系列:紅投資/青森文化/Learn
  • 規格:平裝 / 264頁 / 13 x 18.8 x 1.4 cm / 普通級

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 旅遊會話

      本書作者曾留居多國又熱愛旅遊,以自身經驗教你出門必學的英語短句:問路、購物、訂?、點餐、買車票、飛機票、看醫生、以至在Bed & Breakfast向當地人問禁、閒聊等;除英文之外,更會告訴你各種旅行、國家、文化相關的趣聞,以及在外地購物、乘的士、住酒店、租車、租房子等各種情況的貼士,是每個旅遊、留學、打工假期者必讀的實用手冊。

    Author’s Foreword作者分享

    Ch. 1 Airport機場


    ?Ticketing and Flight Information票務及航班資料

    ?Fun Facts about Airplanes飛機的趣聞


    ?Airport Services機場服務

    ?Shopping and Dining購物和餐飲

    ?Business/Internet Facilities商務�互聯網設備

    ?On the Airplane飛機上


    ?Lost and Found遺失物件及查詢

    ?Restricted Items違禁品

    ?To and From Airport往返機場

    ?Customs Requirements海關要求

    ?Fun Facts about Airplanes飛機的趣聞

    Ch. 2 Hotel酒店


    ?Service and Request服務和要求



    ?Types of Breakfast早餐類別



    ?Lost and Found遺失與尋找

    ?Fun Facts about Hotels酒店的趣聞

    Ch. 3 Restaurant餐廳

    ?General Enquiries一般問題


    ?General Dining Etiquette基本用餐禮儀

    ?Special Dietary Requirements特別飲食要求

    ?Fun Facts about Wine酒的趣聞


    ?Tips on Tipping付小費的技巧

    ?Fun Facts趣聞

    Ch. 4 Exploring探索

    ?Tools to Make Exploring Easier讓你便於探索的工具

    ?Outdoor Activities戶外活動

    ?How to Behave in Muslim Countries於穆斯林國家應有的行為


    ?Fun Fact趣聞



    ?The Paris Syndrome巴黎症候群

    ?My Most Memorable Travel Story我最難忘的旅遊故事

    ?Interesting Customs and Traditions Around the World有趣的風俗與傳統

    Ch. 5 Shopping購物

    ?General Questions一般問題

    ?Tricks to Manipulate your Shopping Behavior激起購物慾的手法

    ?Specific Items特別項目

    ? Clothing Material衣服的質料

    ?Some Money Saving Shopping Tips省錢的購物小貼士

    ?Just Looking Around四處逛逛



    ?Women sizes around the world女士國際性尺碼指引

    ?Sizes for Men around the world男士國際性尺碼指引




    ?Popular Brand Names熱門名牌

    ?Types of Shoes鞋的類型

    ?Shopping for a Watch購買手錶

    ?Shopping for Jewelry購買珠寶

    ?Names of Stones寶石名稱

    ?Fun Tip (Believe it or not!)有趣的貼士(信不信由你!)

    ?Shopping for Food購買食物

    ?Supermarket Sections超級市場的分區

    ?Country with the Best Hospitality待客服務一流的國家

    Ch. 6 Directions問路

    ?Common Words used for Directions一般方向用詞

    ?Save Money while Travelling助你於旅程中更省錢的貼士

    ?How to ask for Directions如何問路

    ?Pay Attention to the Time or Length of Travel路程的長短和時間運用

    ?Pay Attention to the Landmarks留意地標

    ?Common Answers 一般答案


    ?How to Avoid Pickpockets如何迴避扒手

    Ch. 7 Transportation交通


    ?Women Only只限女士

    ?Story: What if….故事:如果……


    ?How to Avoid Getting Ripped off by Taxi Drivers如何避免被的士司機敲竹槓

    ?Fun Fact趣聞


    ?Fun Facts趣聞

    Ch. 8 Hair Salon美髮店

    ?Communicate with your Hairstylist與你的髮型師溝通

    ?Getting the Hairstyle理髮

    ?Fun Fact趣聞

    ?Washing your Hair Q&A洗頭的問與答

    ?Face Shapes臉型

    ?Names of Hairstyles髮型款式

    Ch. 9 At the Doctor’s Clinic醫生診所

    ?Tell the Doctor告訴醫生

    ?What you Need to Know When you get Sick Abroad在外地生病時應注意的事

    ?Description of Pain形容痛的程度

    ?Common Diagnosis常見診斷

    ?Tips on Not Getting Sick while Travelling旅途中避免生病的貼士

    Ch. 10 Out and About上街

    ?Going to the Movies看電影


    ?Movie Snacks電影小食

    ?Going to the Amusement Park去遊樂場�主題公園

    ?Going to a Concert去演唱會

    ?Types of Concerts演唱會類型

    ?Do s and Don’ts of a Concert演唱會中應該做與不應該做的事

    ?Going to a Musical Theatre去歌劇院

    ?Most Popular Musicals最受歡迎的歌劇

    ?Tips to get Cheap Theatre Tickets in London在倫敦購買廉價歌劇門票的貼士

    ?Going to a Game欣賞球賽

    ?Types of Sports Games體育比賽類別

    ?My Experience我的經驗

    ?My Thoughts我的想法

    Ch. 11 Sports運動

    ?At the Gym健身室




    ?My Experience我的經驗


    ?My Experience我的經驗


    ?Tips on Hiking遠足貼士


    ?Yoga Tips瑜伽貼士

    ?Common Yoga Poses常見的瑜伽動作


    ?Types of Ballroom Dances社交舞類別



    ?Golf Terminology and Scores高爾夫球術語和計分方法


    ?Gradings for Ski Slopes滑雪斜坡的不同級別

    ?My Experience我的經驗

    Ch. 12 Making Friends 結識朋友


    ?Invite your New Friends to Go Out邀請你的新朋友一起外出


    ? Weather天氣

    ? Education教育

    ? Family家庭

    ? Work職業

    ? Hobbies興趣

    ? Travel旅遊

    ? Most Popular Travel Destinations最熱門旅遊地

    ? Other Topics to Strike up Conversations其他話題

    ?Exchange Contact交換聯絡資料

    ?Tips on Making New Friends while Travelling在旅途中結識朋友的貼士

    Ch. 13 Studying Abroad外國留學

    ?The Apartment住所



    ?Rent a Room租房間




    ?Washing Tips洗衣貼士

    ?Rent a Car租車

    ?At a Gas Station在加油站

    ?Body Check身體檢查

    ? Eye Examination視力�眼睛檢查

    ? Tips on Protecting your Eyes保護眼睛貼士

    ? Dental Checkup牙齒檢查

    ? Tips for Whiter Teeth美白牙齒貼士

    ?At the Bank在銀行裡

    ?Post Office郵政局

    ?Asking for Help求助


    ?Conversation Starters打開話匣子

    ?Tips on Enjoying your Experience of Studying Abroad享受外國留學經驗的貼士

    ?My Experience of Studying Abroad我的留學經驗

    Special Thanks特別鳴謝

    Author’s Forewords

      I’m the summary of every experience that’s ever happened to me since the first day of my existence. Just imagine if I had lived and died in the same place, how different my life would be. Fortunately, I was blessed with the opportunity to travel the globe my entire life. I’m able to experience the colors, sounds, tastes, smells and textures of the unfamiliar. To travel is to live a life inspired by differences, no matter how big or small the change is, I will always take something back.

      In this book, I’d like to teach you the most common words used in the most common situations you’ll encounter while travelling. You don’t need to speak the language fluently to communicate, just try to communicate and you’ll get your point across. Life is an adventure and travelling is a big part of it, so the next time you travel, take a risk, get lost and make some friends along the way.





      “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch


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