It is both an honour and a great pleasure to introduce all our friends in Taiwan to “Inspiration UK”. This is a publication which aims to provide useful and practical guidance on different aspects of studying and living in the UK, and also to highlight some of the unique and great benefits of a UK education.
我非常高興,也相當榮幸的跟台灣的朋友們介紹英國文化協會新書Inspiration UK。本書提供了英國留學及生活資訊,更特別邀請人文社科商管領域的學長姐們經驗分享、給學弟妹們建議。
Every year, hundreds of thousands of students from all around the world come to the UK to pursue their studies, broaden their horizons and widen and improve their future prospects. Amongst these, thousands of Taiwanese students also make the UK their choice of destination, attracted not only by the quality of UK institutions and the incredible range of courses they offer, but also by the diversity and dynamism of British society and by the rich cultural and historical heritage of the UK as a whole.
Going abroad to study is a very big, important and life-changing decision. I took this choice myself many years ago, when I decided to leave my hometown and family in Barcelona to go to the UK to pursue my passion for Chinese and East Asian studies. This is something that changed my life and provided me with an experience and a life outlook that changed and improved my future prospects, and shaped me into the person I am today. My positive experience in the UK as an overseas student was my main driver to join the British Council, back in 1997.
This is why I truly believe that getting as much information as possible before going abroad is extremely important, in order to understand the options, to make the right choices and to prepare for what will possibly be the most amazing experience in your life. I hope this guide will be a useful resource which will help you define the next steps in your overseas study and life adventure, and will provide you with all the tips and information to enable you to make the most out of it.
I very much hope that you will find the guide useful, but most importantly, that you will enjoy your experience in the UK and that you will make it one that you will never forget.
我希望每位將前往英國的朋友們享受你們在英國的一切,讓它成為你難忘的人生經驗。最後,記得和英國文化協會保持聯絡— 我們相當重視校友們,也期待校友回台灣後與我們分享英國的各種經歷!
And please, stay in touch – we look forward to hearing all about your UK adventure when you return to Taiwan!
Susana Galvan 蘇小真
Director British Council Taiwan英國文化協會處長