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    其 他 著 作
    1. 專業助人工作倫理(三版)
    2. Lewis’s Medical-Surgical Nursing,12E
    3. 互動遊戲書:我會刷牙了 The Big Steps: Let’s Brush our Teeth: How To Brush Your Teeth
    4. 集成式學習:Python 實踐!整合全部技術,打造最強模型
    5. Python出神入化:Clean Coder才懂的Pythonic技法,為你的程式碼畫龍點睛!
    6. The Big Steps: No More Dummies
    7. The Big Steps: Let’s Wash Our Hands 洗手遊戲書
    8. 美國驗光師考試試題解析
    9. 專業助人工作倫理(二版)
    10. 簡潔的Python:重構你的舊程式
    11. 生命抉擇與個人成長(三版)
    12. 到我身邊來吧! 3
    13. 遊歷英語 Travel English
    14. 到我身邊來吧!1
    15. Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Coursebook (4/e)
    16. 助人者工作者的養成歷程與實務
    17. 我家也有小烤箱之料理魔法
    18. 只想要你 5完
    19. 專業助人工作倫理 中文第一版 2013年 Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions 8/E
    20. 只想要你 4
    21. 只想要你 3
    22. 只想要你 2
    23. 只想要你 1
    24. 戀愛方向箭 全
    25. 生命抉擇與個人成長 中文第二版 2012年 I Never Knew I Had A Choice 9/E
    26. KOI-MOYOU 戀模樣 2
    27. KOI-MOYOU 戀模樣 1
    28. 巴黎小餐館 Cusine des Bistrots Parisesns
    29. 普羅旺斯季節料理 Cuisine en Terres Provencales
    30. 包裝設計:從概念到銷售造就成功品牌 Packaging Design: Successful Product Branding from Concept to Shelf
    31. 團體諮商:歷程與實務
    32. Academic Study Skills: An Introduction
    33. 魔法夜光書─海洋尋寶
    34. Prego! An Invitation to Italian
    35. Quicken 2008 The Official Guide
    36. iSpeak Spanish Verbs (MP3 CD + Guide)
    37. Environmental Chemistry
    38. Ultimate Book of Franchises
    39. AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing
    40. AACN Essentials of Progressive Care Nursing: Pocket Handbook
    41. 新約文學與神學-後期著作及背景
    42. Teach Yourself Italian Converstation (3CDs + Guide)
    43. AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing & AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing: Pocket Handbook, 1ed Value
    44. AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing
    45. Teach Yourself Spanish Phrasebook
    46. Careers for High-Energy People & Other Go-Getters
    47. AACN Essentials of Critical Care Nursing: Pocket Handbook
    48. Building a Successful Collaborative Pharmacy Practice
    49. First Language English: IGCSE Workbook (Cambridge International Examinations) (Paperback)
    50. The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research
    51. The Unwritten Rules of PhD Research
    52. Buildings across Time with CD-ROM
    53. Ultimate Book of Franchises
    54. Prego! An Invitation to Italian Student Prepack with Bind-In Card
    55. The New CIO Leader
    56. 圖解電子遊戲史
    57. Higher Education and the Lifecourse
    58. Higher Education and the Lifecourse
    59. From Birth to One
    60. From Birth to One
    61. Teach Yourself Spanish Verbs
    62. Teach Yourself Italian Verbs
    63. AFRICADOTEDU:IT Opportunities and Higher Education in Africa
    64. 圖解電子遊戲史 增訂典藏版
    65. 藝術治療團體-實務工作手冊
    66. Discourse and Context in Language Teaching
    67. Values Education for Dynamic Societies: Individualism or Collectivism
    68. 健康心理學
    69. Making Aromatherapy Creams & Lotions: 101 Natural Formulas to Revitalize & Nourish Your Skin
    70. Psychotherapy Supervision
    71. 小小矮人 原著書名: Dwarf
    72. Supp. Language & Literacy Develeopment in the Early Years
    73. Vocabulary Connections, Book III: Academic Words
    74. Tr?ors litt?aires: Initiation ?la litt?ature fran?ise et francophone (Student Edition)
    75. Ot Goals: Occupational Therapy Goals and Objectives Associated With Learning
    76. Windows98即學即用Ataglance
    77. 追求未來與過去
    78. Leveraging the New Infrastructure
    79. Vocabulary Connections: Word Parts, Book 2
    80. Vocabulary Connections, Book 1- General Words
    81. Snow Problem: The Case of the Mushing Madness
    82. Internship Success
    83. Teaching Pronunciation Audio Cassette
    84. Teaching Pronunciation
    85. Art
    86. Softball: Slow and Fast Pitch
    87. 敬拜上主的喜樂(新版)The joy of wordship
    88. The Fit Swimmer