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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Audio CDs/3片


National Geographic
200.00  元
HK$ 200  

  • 規格:平裝 / 12.3 x 19.7 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 故事讀本 > 其他

      Welcome the sights and sounds of the world with the Footprint Reading Library. Accompanied by original video material developed by National Geographic Digital Media, this is the first non-fiction reading series to present fascinating real-world stories in the three formats: print, audio, and video.

    其 他 著 作
    1. 國家地理雜誌 中文版 2016年11月 No.180 火星時代
    2. 國家地理雜誌 中文版 2016年10月 No.179 仿生眼
    3. 腦力大挑戰
    4. 全球30個最精采的旅遊城市
    5. 實用草本百科
    6. 一生必遊的歐洲最佳100景點
    7. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Audio CDs/2片
    8. 貓與狗
    9. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Happy Elephants
    10. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Lost City of Machu Picchu
    11. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Snow Magic!
    12. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 A Disappearing World
    13. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Dinosaur Search
    14. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 The Memory Man
    15. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Lost Temples of the Maya
    16. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Bird Girl
    17. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 A Chinese Artist in Harlem
    18. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Blue Cows?
    19. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 The Black Diamonds of Provence
    20. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Arctic Whale Danger!
    21. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Monkey Party
    22. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Future of a Village
    23. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Dreamtime Painters
    24. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Columbus and the New World
    25. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Don’t Believe Your Eyes!
    26. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Life on the Orinoco
    27. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Young Riders of Mongolia
    28. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Giant’s Causeway
    29. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Alaskan Ice Climbing
    30. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 The Story of the Hula
    31. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Gorilla Watching Tours
    32. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Volcano Trek
    33. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Birds in Paradise
    34. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 A Special Kind of Neighborhood
    35. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 The Knife Markets of Sanaa
    36. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Taiko Master
    37. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Peruvian Weavers
    38. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 The Last of the Cheju Divers
    39. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Cheese-Rolling Races
    40. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Water Sports Adventure
    41. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Farley the Red Panda
    42. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Puffin Rescue!
    43. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 A Real Winner
    44. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Butler School
    45. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 One Boy’s Journey
    46. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 One Village Makes a Difference
    47. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Making a Thai Boxing Champion
    48. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Living with a Volcano
    49. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Killer Bees!
    50. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Cupid the Dolphin
    51. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Wild Animal Town
    52. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Three Rivers of Zambia
    53. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Mount Fuji
    54. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Olympians
    55. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Zoo Dentists
    56. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Gliding Across the Gobi
    57. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 The Art of Making Silk
    58. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Capoeira: The Fighting Dance
    59. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Orangutan Language
    60. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 DVD/1片
    61. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Para-Life Rescue!
    62. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Solar Cooking
    63. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Saving the Pandas
    64. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Beagle Patrol
    65. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Giant Cave Crocs!
    66. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Opal Town
    67. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Confucianism in China
    68. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 The Gauchos of Argentina
    69. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 The Life of a Geisha
    70. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Chuckwagon Racing
    71. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1300 Audio CDs/3片
    72. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Audio CDs/3片
    73. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Audio CDs/3片
    74. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Audio CDs/3片
    75. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Koalas
    76. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 The King of the Spiders
    77. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 DVD/1片
    78. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 The Hidden Treasures of Egypt
    79. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Teacher’s Manual
    80. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 The Exciting Streets of Barcelona
    81. Footprint Reading Library-Level 800 Audio CDs/3片
    82. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 Audio CDs/3片
    83. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Dinosaur Builder
    84. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1000 DVD/1片
    85. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1600 Teacher’s Manual
    86. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Teacher’s Manual
    87. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Teacher’s Manual
    88. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Teacher’s Manual
    89. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2200 Polar Bears in Trouble
    90. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Afghanistan’s Heroic Artists
    91. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Mysterious Crop Circles
    92. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Firewalking
    93. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Mars on Earth
    94. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Living the Slow Lane
    95. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Tornado Chase
    96. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Snake Detective
    97. Footprint Reading Library-Level 3000 Natacha’s Animal Rescue
    98. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Canyaking Adventure
    99. Footprint Reading Library-Level 1900 Cheetahs in Focus
    100. Footprint Reading Library-Level 2600 Space Walk