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第一本劍橋大學高材生的英文口語會話書 (附1書+1MP3)


Nick Stirk
133.00  元
HK$ 113.05  

  • 叢書系列:原來如此
  • 規格:平裝 / 368頁 / 17 x 23 cm / 普通級

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 生活英語會話







    ▲Unit 1 Teachers 教師

    ▲Unit 2 Courses 學科

    ▲Unit 3 Assignments 作業

    ▲Unit 4 Majors 主修

    ▲Unit 5 Exams 考試



    ▲Unit 6 Sleep 睡覺

    ▲Unit 7 Student union 學生會

    ▲Unit 8 Holidays 假日

    ▲Unit 9 Parties 派對

    ▲Unit 10 Shopping 購物


    Campus love校園愛情

    ▲Unit 11 Loneliness 孤獨

    ▲Unit 12 Dating 約會

    ▲Unit 13 Relationships 戀愛關係

    ▲Unit 14 Cheating 出軌

    ▲Unit 15 Breaking up 分手



    ▲Unit 16 Dorms 宿舍

    ▲Unit 17 Canteen 餐廳

    ▲Unit 18 Library 圖書館

    ▲Unit 19 Teaching buildings 教學大樓

    ▲Unit 20 Gym 體育館



    ▲Unit 21 Speaking 口語

    ▲Unit 22 Listening 聽力

    ▲Unit 23 Reading 閱讀

    ▲Unit 24 Writing 寫作

    ▲Unit 25 English Corners 「英語角」.


    Campus life校園生活

    ▲Unit 26 Bicycles 自行車

    ▲Unit 27 Military training 軍訓

    ▲Unit 28 Gossip 八卦

    ▲Unit 29 Computer games 電腦遊戲

    ▲Unit 30 Stress 壓力



    ▲Unit 31 Budgets 預算

    ▲Unit 32 Part-time jobs 打工

    ▲Unit 33 Borrowing money 借錢

    ▲Unit 34 Finding a job 找工作

    ▲Unit 35 Future plans 規劃未來


    Food and drink飲食

    ▲Unit 36 Eating habits 飲食習慣

    ▲Unit 37 Vegetarian 素食者

    ▲Unit 38 Muslim food 清真食品

    ▲Unit 39 Eating snacks 吃零食

    ▲Unit 40 Chinese food 中餐



    ▲Unit 41 TV series 電視劇

    ▲Unit 42 Gambling 賭博

    ▲Unit 43 Dancing 跳舞

    ▲Unit 44 Board games 棋盤遊戲

    ▲Unit 45 Movies 電影



    ▲Unit 46 Football 足球

    ▲Unit 47 Sports 運動

    ▲Unit 48 Chinese football 中國足球

    ▲Unit 49 Cricket 板球

    ▲Unit 50 Working out in the gym 健身


      As an experienced English professor, one of the problems that I often notice in textbooks is that the subjects covered are so—how should I say it—unpractical. I wouldn’t say that they’re useless, no. It’s just that though they work very well in a classroom setting, you can’t really expect to use what you learn in these textbooks elsewhere.


      Let’s say, for example, that you run into an English native speaker while waiting for the elevator (or waiting for the bus, or waiting in line to buy xiaolongbao, whichever you prefer). Do you tell them about the very touching story you read on your textbook about how someone’s elderly mother supported him through all sorts of hardships? You don’t.


      And let’s say, for example, that you and said English native speaker eventually become friends. You meet up for brunch. As you both attack your egg benedicts with your forks, do you describe the inspiring article you saw on your textbook about how some really successful business man manages his time? You don’t.


      What I’m saying isn’t that textbooks are not useful. Not at all. Textbooks are really great for learning English. The point I’m trying to make is that no matter in what language, you don’t make friends by talking like a textbook. Therefore, while you do need your textbook to learn English, you also need something else to help with your daily English conversations. And it is my aim to make this book a helpful guide that can serve as that “something else”.


      In this book, you will find conversations on only the sort of subjects you talk about between friends (gossip, roommates, relationships, parties, things like that). And the conversations won’t be the stiff kind you find in textbooks—instead, I did my best to make the dialogues flow smoothly and use down-to-earth vocabulary and sentence structures. Because, to be quite honest, you just don’t use complicated English sentence structures while chatting with friends. I also enjoyed making the conversations as “English” as possible, for my goal in mind is to give you all a good idea on what to expect if you make a British friend or happen to travel to the UK. We English have our own unique sense of humour, somewhat different from the Americans. See? We even spell humour differently!


      However, I understand that some of you prefer to go the American way, so I very nicely picked out for you the words that are pronounced differently in British English and American English, and provided the correct pronunciation in American English, so that you wouldn’t be too lost when listening to the very authentically British recording in the MP3 that comes with this book. I also made sure to put ample practice sections throughout the book and introduce key vocabulary, idioms, phrases, expressions and word partnerships, so as to make your learning experience not only fun but also fulfilling. You can refer to the following section, “User’s Guide”, for more detailed descriptions on how to use this book and find the things you need efficiently.


      Before I leave you all to wade through my book, I would like you to remember one more important thing: to learn to speak English, you have to, well, speak. Practice is the key to successful learning, and I believe that if you practise one dialogue a day, you’ll soon be amazed at how your English has grown. Your confidence in speaking will be sky-high and when a wild foreigner appears you will have plenty to talk about!


      Happy speaking!


    Nick Stirk


    其 他 著 作
    1. 這本口語最好說!英文滿分筆記,劍橋高材生來教你口語會話
    2. 第一本劍橋大學高材生破解面試官英語職場口試應考大全
    3. 商務英語寫作王(附贈標準英語朗讀MP3)