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66.00  元
HK$ 59.4  

  • 叢書系列:我識隨身讀
  • 規格:平裝 / 320頁 / 18 x 10.3 cm / 普通級

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 文法/句型





      1.自我測試:依照中文題意,從兩句容易被搞混的句子中,選出自己常說的或是覺得正確的。幫助讀者了解自己是否一直以來都在使用錯誤的英文。從信心中學習,能引發學習樂趣;從疑惑、錯誤中 學習,更能發現學習的重點。

      2. 重點說明:除了解釋句子的意思外,也告知讀者各個句子適合用於哪些場合,讓讀者快快修正腦中錯誤的訊息。

      3. 解答:看完句子的解說後,再來審視自己是否選擇了正確的答案。學會正確的句子後,生活中多找機會跟外國朋友聊天,便能實際運用所學。


      ■附贈150分鐘全文收錄mini MP3。只要戴上耳機,用耳朵也能學好英文。


      stay 指的是「短暫的逗留」,而live則是指「長期的居住」,因此得用stay來表示。









    Chapter 1

    1. 打招呼

    1.take care of yourself / take care of your body 好好照顧身體

    2.Excuse me! / I,m sorry! 不好意思 / 對不起

    3.Good evening! / Good night! 晚安

    4.Nice to meet you / Nice to see you 很高興認識你 / 很高興再次見到你

    2. 消費

    1. go shopping / go to shopping 逛街

    2. by / in 支付

    3. pay someone off / pay off 付了薪水後將某人解雇 / 付清

    3. 聊天打屁

    1. free time / time to play 空閒

    2. live / stay 住 / 停留

    3. is a famous …/ is famous for 有名 / 以…聞名於世

    4. good at / good for 擅長 / 對…有益

    5. live on / live by 以…為主食 / 以…營生

    6. lose heart/ lose one,s heart 喪失信心 / 愛上了

    4. 意外傷害

    1.had a big impact on / gave an impact on 造成很大的衝擊

    2.serious illness / heavy illness 重病

    3.crash into / bump into 撞上

    4.watch out / dangerous 小心

    5.in an accident / by accident 在一場意外 / 不小心

    6.be in hospital / be in a hospital 住院 / 在醫院裡

    7.in that case / in case要是那樣的話… / 以免、免得

    8.injured / wounded 受傷

    9.died of / died in 死於 / 死亡

    10.make a fire / catch fire 生火 / 失火

    11.on fire / fire away 失火 / 快發問

    12.broke out / broke up 爆發 / 分手

    Chapter 2 職場中最易犯錯的句子

    5. 寒暄

    1.thank you for / thank you to 謝謝 / 幸虧

    2.What brought you to…? / Why did you come to…?

    什麼風把你吹來? / 你到…來做什麼?

    3.taken / empty 佔用了 / 空的

    4.Yes,please. / Yes, sure. 好的 / 當然可以

    5.in the way / in this way 擋住路了 / 這種方式

    6. 噢喔!抱歉!

    1.a big mistake / a large mistake 極大的錯誤 / 正確的

    2.correct / right 正確的 / 正確的

    3.by mistake / by accident 僥倖 / 誤認

    7. 容易混淆的代名詞

    1.another / the other 另一瓶 / 另一個

    2.each other / one another 彼此 / 互相

    3.the others / others 其餘 / 別人

    8. 知道、認為

    1.know a lot / know well 懂得很多 / 熟悉 -

    2.be afraid / think 恐怕 / 認為

    3.learn of / know of 得知 / 知道

    4.What do you think / How do you think 有什麼看法 / 覺得如何

    5.make sense /make sense of 合理 / 了解

    6.pay attention to/notice 關注 / 注意

    7.believe/ believe in 相信 / 信仰、有信心

    Chapter 3 旅行中最易犯錯的句子


    1.go abroad / go to abroad 出國

    2.get to / go to 到達 / 去

    3.to / for 去

    4.in sb's car / by car 搭某人的車 / 搭車

    5.on board / on the board 機上 / 委員會

    6.reach / land at 登陸 / 降落

    10. 方向的界詞

    1.from the east / in the east 從東邊升起

    2.nearby / near 附近 / 較近的

    3.through / from 通過某處進入 / 從某地出發

    4.inside / inside of 某處裡面 / 某地內部

    5.in front of / before 前面 / 在…之前

    6.within…of / within…from 離不到

    7.in the direction of / to the direction of 往某個方向去

    8.on the wall / in the wall 牆上的 / 藏在牆上的

    Chapter 4 描述中最易犯錯的句子


    1.baby girls / girl babies 小女兒

    2.middle-aged / middle-age 中年人(形) / 中年人 (名)

    3.elderly / old 老年

    4.medium / middle 中等 / 一半

    5.familiar with / familiar to 通曉 / 熟悉

    6.compare…to / compare…with 比擬 / 比較

    12. 身體特徵

    1.big nose / high nose 鼻子很高

    2.arm / hand 手臂 / 手掌

    3.feet / leg 腳掌 / 小腿

    4.back / waist 腰、背 / 腰部

    5.dark eyes / black eyes 眼睛顏色較深 / 黑眼圈

    Chapter 5 時間陳述中最易犯錯的句子

    13. 時光飛逝

    1.this summer / in this summer 今年夏天

    2.last summer / summer last year 去年夏天

    3.last night / yesterday night 昨晚

    4.for the first time / at first 初次 / 一開始

    5.time / hour 時候 / 時刻

    6.in the future / in future 未來 / 今後、從現在以後

    7.sooner or later / day and night 早晚、遲早 / 不管白天或晚上

    8.before long / long before 很快 / 早在…前

    9.once again / once and again 再 / 一直

    10.no longer / not anymore 不再 / 再也不

    14. 關於時間的介詞

    1.it lasts/its length is 長約

    2.till / by 直到 / 在…以前

    3.for / during 以來 / 在…內

    4.from now on / from now 從現在起 / 從此以後

    5.at once / all at once 立即 / 突然

    6.for the present / at present 暫時 / 目前

    7.at last / at least 最後 / 至少、起碼

    8.for a moment / at the moment一會兒、片刻 / 此時此刻

    9.in time / on time 及時 / 準時

    10.between…and…/ between…to… 從…至

    11.on the morning / in the morning 在…早晨 / 早上

    12.go on/ keep on 繼續 / 一直

    13.the other day / another day 不久前 / 改天

    14.used to / be used to 以前 / 習慣

    15.as usual / usually如同往常 / 通常

    Chapter 6 動作中最易犯錯的句子

    15. 遇到不幸

    1.left / forgot 把某樣東西遺忘在某處

    2.use / borrow 借用 / 借

    3.hit / attacked 侵襲 / 攻擊

    4.knock on / knock down 敲門 / 撞倒了

    5.give in / give up 讓步 / 放棄

    6.run out of / run out 用完了 / 使用殆盡

    7.stop to do 停下來去做某事 / stop doing 停止工作

    8.struggling for / struggle against 奮鬥 / 對抗

    16. 整理收納

    1.put out / put up 晾衣服

    2.put away / throw away 保存 / 丟掉

    3.send out / send up 寄 / 發射

    4.tear down / tear off 拆除 / 撕下

    17. 在工作場合中

    1.persist in / insist on 堅持

    2.in charge of / in the charge of 負責 / 擔負

    3.made of / made up of 製成 / 組成

    4.set an example/ made an example of 樹立榜樣 / 殺雞儆猴

    5.satisfied with / satisfied to 滿意

    18. 穿著打扮

    1.put on / wear 戴上 / 穿戴

    2.take / carry 帶走 / 提著

    Chapter 7 肢體語言最易犯錯的句子

    19. 比手畫腳

    1.divide into / divide up 分成

    2.pick up / pick out 接 / 挑選

    3.point at / point to 指著

    4.put up / put out 舉起 / 撲滅

    5.show up / show off 現身 / 炫耀

    6.carry on / carry out 繼續 / 兌現

    20. 眼觀四方

    1.stare at / glare at 盯著 / 怒視

    2.look for / found 找尋 / 找到了

    3.look up to / look up 尊敬 / 查

    4.loose one,s sight / lose sight of 失明 / 消失

    5.see off / set off 送行 / 出發


    1.have words with / have a word with 爭執 / 說幾句話

    2.make a promise / keep a promise 答應 / 履行承諾

    3.mouth to mouth / from mouth to mouth 人工呼吸 / 口耳相傳

    4.play a joke with / have a joke on 跟某人開玩笑 / 說笑話

    5.shout at /shout to 破口大罵 / 大聲呼叫

    22. 繪聲繪影

    1.cramped / narrow 窄

    2.at / in 在

    3.funny / interesting 好笑的 / 很有趣

    4.notorious / famous 惡名昭彰 / 聞名於世

    5.slow / late 慢 / 晚

    6.fall asleep / feel sleepy 睡著了 / 感覺想睡覺





      2.融入會話:光懂解釋還不夠,看看一般外國人會在哪種場合下說這句話。每段模擬對話下還會附註使用重點 (Point)。最後還附贈另一實用的短句,讓你多學一句可以臭屁的話。



    蔣志榆in S.F

    2006 / 3 / 1


      I don’t usually read this part of the book that you see in front of you. But I want to thank you for picking this book up and doing so. Of so many books out there you chose this one to read. You should thank yourself now, as you did what many refuse to do,taking the first steps to learning a better English.

      Passion is always a plus when trying to learn something, but you lack passion but have the will,you are still off to a great start. After I realized that I was interested in the English language I began improving my English through different ways such as speaking with an English native speaker,watching movies, and what ever kinds of English reading material I could lay my hands on. Further more,before a person can speak English well, you need to provide yourself with sufficient knowledge of the language,such as grammar,vocabularies,and different expressions and so on.

      When you have picked up this book,it means you have acquired the basic motives of learning English well. Now all you need is a tool to guide you in the right direction.

      Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where even though you have a great grammar foundation and strong vocabulary list yet you are unable to express yourself with a native sounding English. This book is going to teach you how under different circumstances, how a native sounding conversation would go about. For example, when you hear someone say something positive happened to him or her, how do you return his or her enthusiasm? Or when they have expressed a thought in which you strongly agree with,how do you let him or her know that you feel the same way?When you have fully understood the different uses, yo,ll realize that your conversation in English will no longer be stale and will have a much better expression of how you are feeling at the time.

    吳佳燕 in S.F

    2006 / 3 / 13

    其 他 著 作
    1. 最不冷場的會話(附1MP3)