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彩圖中級英文文法Let’s See!【三版一刷】


Alex Rath Ph.D./著
160.00  元
HK$ 152  

  • 叢書系列:英語文法
  • 規格:平裝 / 452頁 / 21 x 28 cm / 普通級

  • 語言學習 > 英語 > 文法/句型


      一本淺顯易上手的全新文法書!? ?


    Chapter 1 Present tenses

    1 Introduction 動詞的時態介紹

    2 Present simple tense 現在簡單式

    3 Present continuous tense 現在進行式

    4 Comparison between the present simple tense and the present continuous tense

    ?? 現在簡單式與現在進行式的比較

    5 Verbs not used in the continuous forms 不能用於進行式的動詞

    6 Verbs used in the present simple and the present continuous with different meanings

    ?? 用於現在簡單式和現在進行式意義不同的動詞

    Chapter 2 Past tenses

    7 Simple past tense 過去簡單式

    8 Irregular verbs 不規則動詞表

    9 Past continuous tense 過去進行式

    10 Comparison between the simple past and the past continuous tense

    ?? 過去簡單式和過去進行式的比較

    11 Continuous forms with "always" for expressing complaints

    ?? 進行式搭配always表示抱怨的用法

    Chapter 3 Perfect tenses

    12 Present perfect simple tense (1) 現在完成式(1)

    13 Present perfect simple tense (2) 現在完成式(2)

    14 Present perfect simple with some adverbs and prepositions

    ?? 常與現在完成式連用的一些副詞和介系詞

    15 Comparison between the present perfect simple and the past simple (1)

    ?? 現在完成式與過去簡單式的比較(1)

    16 Comparison between the present perfect simple and the past simple (2)

    ?? 現在完成式與過去簡單式的比較(2)

    17 Present perfect continuous 現在完成進行式

    18 Comparison between the present perfect continuous and the present perfect simple tense

    (1) 現在完成進行式與現在完成式的比較(1)

    19 Comparison between the present perfect continuous and the present perfect simple tense

    (2) 現在完成進行式與現在完成式的比較(2)

    20 Past perfect simple tense 過去完成式

    21 Past perfect continuous tense 過去完成進行式

    Chapter 4 Future tenses

    22 Simple future "will" 簡單未來式will

    23 "Be going to" for the future be going to表示未來意義的用法

    24 Comparison between the simple future "will" and "be going to"

    ?? 簡單未來式will和be going to的比較

    25 Present continuous for the future and the comparison with "be going to"

    ?? 現在進行式表示未來意義的用法以及與be going to的比較

    26 Simple present for the future 現在簡單式表示未來意義的用法

    27 Future continuous 未來進行式

    28 Future perfect and future perfect continuous 未來完成式與未來完成進行式

    Chapter 5 Verbs: essential usage

    29 "Have" and "have got" have和have got的用法

    30 "Have" for action have作行為動詞的用法

    31 Be being be being的用法

    32 Linking verbs 連綴動詞

    33 Causative verbs: "make," "have," and "get" 使役動詞make、have和get的用法

    34 "Let" for causation let 作為使役動詞的用法

    Chapter 6 Phrasal verbs

    35 Phrasal verbs: two words, transitive, and separable 短語動詞:兩個字、及物、可分

    36 Phrasal verbs: two words, transitive, and nonseparable (1)

    ?? 短語動詞:兩個字、及物、不可分(1)

    37 Phrasal verbs: two words, transitive, and nonseparable (2)

    ?? 短語動詞:兩個字、及物、不可分(2)

    38 Phrasal verbs: two words and intransitive 短語動詞:兩個字、不及物

    39 Phrasal verbs: three words 短語動詞:由三個字組成

    40 Phrasal verbs: usages with a little differentiation in meaning

    ?? 短語動詞:不同用法在意義上的細微差異

    Chapter 7 Nouns

    41 Singular and plural nouns: regular 單數與複數名詞:規則名詞

    42 Singular and plural nouns: irregular 單數與複數名詞:不規則名詞

    43 Countable and uncountable nouns 可數與不可數名詞

    44 List of common uncountable nouns 常見不可數名詞表

    45 Nouns always in plural forms 只以複數形態出現的名詞

    46 Counting an uncountable nouns 不可數名詞的計算

    47 Proper nouns and collective nouns 專有名詞與集合名詞

    48 Compound nouns 複合名詞

    49 Possessive s: forms 所有格「s」的構成方式

    50 Possessive s: use 所有格「s」的用法

    51 "The . . . of . . ." for possession the . . . of . . .表示所有權的用法

    Chapter 8 Articles

    52 A, an 不定冠詞a、an

    53 The 定冠詞the

    54 Talking in general 「泛指」的用法

    55 Expressions with "the" (1) 必須加the的情況(1)

    56 Expressions with "the" (2) 必須加the的情況(2)

    57 Expressions without "the" (1) 不須加the的情況(1)

    58 Expressions without "the" (2) 不須加the的情況(2)

    59 Place names with or without "the" 專有地名加the或不加the

    60 Expressions with or without "the" with different meanings

    ?? 加the或不加the意義不同的用語

    Chapter 9 Quantity

    61 Expressions for quantity 表示數量的用語

    62 Indefinite pronouns for quantity 表示數量的不定代名詞

    63 Indefinite pronouns with singular or plural verbs 不定代名詞該搭配單數動詞或複數動詞

    64 "Some" and "any" some和any

    65 "Many" and "much" many與much

    66 "Few," and "little" few與little

    67 Both both

    68 "Either" and "neither" either與neither

    69 All all

    70 "All," "every," and "whole" all、every和whole

    71 "No" and "none" no與none

    72 "One" and "ones" one與ones

    73 Indefinite pronouns with some-, any-, every-, no-

    ?? 以some、any、every或no開頭的不定代名詞

    Chapter 10 Pronouns

    74 Personal pronouns: subject and object pronouns 人稱代名詞:主詞代名詞與受詞代名詞

    75 Personal pronouns: common usages of subject pronouns

    ?? 人稱代名詞:主詞代名詞的常見用法

    76 Possessive pronouns and possessive adjectives 所有格代名詞與所有格形容詞

    77 Reflexive pronouns (1) 反身代名詞(1)

    78 Reflexive pronouns (2) 反身代名詞(2)

    Chapter 11 Adjectives

    79 Form, position, and order of adjectives 形容詞的格式、位置與順序

    80 Comparative and superlative adjectives: forms 形容詞比較級與最高級的形式

    81 Comparative and superlative adjectives: use 形容詞比較級與最高級的用法

    Chapter 12 Adverbs

    82 Adverbs of manner 狀態副詞

    83 Adverbs of time and place 時間副詞與地方副詞

    84 Adverbs of frequency 頻率副詞

    85 Adverbs of probability 可能性副詞

    86 Adverbs of degree 程度副詞

    87 Adverbs "still," "yet," and "already" 副詞still、yet、already的用法

    88 Adverbs "too" and "enough" 副詞too、enough的用法

    89 Adverbs "so," "such," "any more/longer," and "no longer"

    ?? 副詞so、such、any more/longer、no longer 的用法

    Chapter 13 Modal verbs (1)

    90 Modal verbs: general (1) 情態動詞的一般用法(1)

    91 Modal verbs: general (2) 情態動詞的一般用法(2)

    92 Ability: "can" and "be able to" 表示「能力」:can與be able to

    93 Ability: "could" and "be able to" 表示「能力」:could與be able to

    94 Permission: "can," "could," and "may" 表示「許可」:can、could和may

    95 Obligation and necessity:"must" and "have to" 表示「義務與必要」:must和have to

    96 Obligation and necessity:"have to" and "have got to"

    ?? 表示「義務與必要」:have to和have got to

    97 Obligation and choices: "mustnt," "dont have to," "havent got to," "dont need to," "neednt," and "didnt need to"

    ?? 表示「義務與必要」:mustnt、dont have to、havent got to、dont need to、neednt、didnt need to

    98 Obligation and advice: "should," "ought to," and "shall"

    ?? 表示「義務與建議」:should、ought to、shall

    99 Obligation and advice:"had better" and "be supposed to"

    ?? 表示「義務與建議」:had better和be supposed to

    Chapter 14 Modal verbs (2)

    100 Possibility: may, might, could 表示「可能性」:may、might、could

    101 Possibility: "can," "should," and "ought to" 表示「可能性」:can、should、ought to

    102 Deduction: "must" and "can’t" 表示「推論」:must和cant

    103 Requests: can, could, may, will, would 表示「要求」:can、could、may、will、would

    104 Offers: will, shall, can, could, and would 表示「提供幫助」:will、shall、can、could、would

    105 Suggestions: shall, let’s, why don’t we, how about, what about, can, could

    ??? 表示「建議」:shall、lets、why dont we、how about、what about、can、could

    106 Habits: used to 表示「習慣」:used to

    107 Habits: will, would 表示「習慣」:will、would

    108 Other uses of "will," "wont," and "wouldnt" will、wont、wouldnt的其他用法

    109 Use of "would rather" and "may/might as well" would rather和may/might as well的用法

    110 Important uses of "should" should的重要用法

    Chapter 15 Passive voice

    111 The passive: forms 被動語態的構成方式

    112 The passive: general use 被動語態的一般用法

    113 Verbs with two objects and the use of "by" and "with" in the passive

    ??? 雙受詞的動詞以及by和with在被動句裡的用法

    114 Common usage of the passive 常見的被動句型

    115 Have something done have something done的用法

    Chapter 16 Subjunctive mood and conditionals

    116 "Wish" and "if only" wish和if only的用法

    117 "If" sentences: open present or future conditionals

    ??? if子句:現在或未來的真實假設(有可能發生)

    118 General conditionals: repeated events or truth 表示「習慣」或「真理」的條件句

    119 "If" sentences: unreal present or future conditionals

    ??? if子句:與現在或未來事實相反的條件句

    120 "If" sentences: unreal past conditionals if子句:與過去事實相反的條件句

    121 Conditional clauses without "if" 不使用if的條件子句

    122 "Its time in subjunctive mood" and "and/or in conditionals"

    ??? its time的假設用法和and/or表示條件的用法

    Chapter 17 Reported Speech

    123 Direct and reported speech 直接引述與間接引述

    124 Reported speech: verb forms (1) 間接引述的動詞時態(1)

    125 Reported speech: verb forms (2) 間接引述的動詞時態(2)

    126 Reported speech: changes of pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs

    ??? 間接引述的代名詞、形容詞和副詞的變化

    127 Reported questions 間接引述疑問句

    128 Reported speeches using the "to infinitive" 使用不定詞的間接引述句

    Chapter 18 Infinitives and -ing forms

    129 Infinitives and -ing forms 不定詞與動名詞

    130 Verbs with the "to infinitives" 必須接不定詞的動詞

    131 Verbs with object and the "to infinitives" 通常要接受詞再接不定詞的動詞

    132 Verbs followed by -ing forms 必須接動名詞的動詞

    133 Verbs followed by -ing forms or infinitives with the same meaning

    ??? 接動名詞或不定詞意義相同的動詞

    134 Verbs followed by -ing forms or infinitives with different meanings (1)

    ??? 接動名詞或不定詞意義不同的動詞(一)

    135 Verbs followed by -ing forms or infinitives with different meanings (2)

    ??? 接動名詞或不定詞意義不同的動詞(二)

    136 Infinitives used as complements and infinitives of purpose

    ??? 不定詞作補語和表「目的」的用法

    137 Preposition with -ing forms 介系詞要接動名詞

    138 "Need" and "see" with -ing form or the "to infinitive"

    ??? need和see接動名詞和不定詞的用法

    139 Participle clauses 分詞子句

    Chapter 19 Types of sentences

    140 Yes/No questions Yes/No疑問句

    141 Wh- questions Wh-疑問句

    142 Question words: what, who, which, whose 疑問詞:what、who、which、whose

    143 Question words: where, when, why, how 疑問詞:where、when、why、how

    144 Negative questions 否定疑問句

    145 Question tags 附加問句

    146 Question tags: other forms 特殊的附加問句形式

    147 Reply questions 回應式疑問句

    148 Indirect questions 間接問句

    149 Short replies with "so do I, neither do I, etc." so do I、neither do I的簡答句型

    Chapter 20 Relative clauses

    150 Defining and non-defining relative clauses 限定關係子句與非限定關係子句

    151 Defining relative clauses with "who," "which," and "that"

    ??? 以who、which、that引導的限定關係子句

    152 Leaving out objective relative pronouns 限定關係子句中受詞關係代名詞的省略

    153 Defining relative clauses with "whose," "where," "when," and "why/that"

    ??? 以whose、where、when、why/that引導的限定關係子句

    154 Non-defining relative clauses 非限定關係子句

    155 Relative clauses with prepositions 搭配介系詞的關係子句

    Chapter 21 Linking words

    156 Linking words of time: when, as, while, as soon as, after, and until

    ??? 表示時間的連接語:when、as、while、as soon as、before、after、until

    157 Linking words of contrast: although, even though, though, however, in spite of, despite,

    while, and "where as"

    ??? 表示對比的連接語:although、even though、though、however、in spite of、despite、while、where as

    158 Linking words of reason: because, because of, as, since, and "due to"

    ??? 表示因果的連接語:because、because of、as、since、due to

    159 Linking words of result: so, so that, as a result, therefore, and "so/such . . . that"

    ??? 表示結果的連接語:so、as a result、therefore、so/such . . . that

    160 Linking words of purpose: to, in order to, so as to, for, and "so that"

    ??? 表示目的的連接語:to、in order to、so as to、for、so that

    161 Linking words of purpose: in case 表示目的的連接語:in

    Chapter 22 Prepositions of place and movement

    162 Prepositions of place: basic meanings of in, at, on

    ??? 表示地點的介系詞:in、at、on的基本意義

    163 Prepositions of place: in, at, on with different locations

    ??? 表示地點的介系詞:in、at、on說明各種地點的用法

    164 Prepositions of place: over, under, above, below, underneath

    ??? 表示地點的介系詞:over、under、above、below、underneath

    165 Prepositions of place: in front of, behind, opposite, between

    ??? 表示地點的介系詞:in front of、behind、opposite、between

    166 Prepositions of place: near, next to, by, beside, against, inside, outside

    ??? 表示地點的介系詞:near、next to、by、beside、against、inside、outside

    167 Prepositions of movement: in, into, out of, on, onto, off

    ??? 表示移動方向的介系詞:in、into、out of、on、onto、off

    168 Prepositions of movement: up, down, from, to, forwards

    ??? 表示移動方向的介系詞:up、down、from、to、forwards

    169 Prepositions of movement: along, across, over, through, past, around

    ??? 表示移動方向的介系詞:along、across、over、through、past、around

    170 Transport: get in, get out of, get on, get off, by, on, in

    ??? 表示「交通方式」的介系詞:get in、get out of、get on、get off、by、on、in

    Chapter 23 Prepositions of time

    171 Prepositions of time: in, at, on (1) 表示時間的介系詞:in、at、on(1)

    172 Prepositions of time: in, at, on (2) Prepositions of time: in, at, on (2)

    173 Prepositions of time: for, since, ago, before 表示時間的介系詞:for、since、ago、before

    174 Prepositions of time: during (compared with "in," "for," and "while"

    ??? 表示時間的介系詞:during與in、for、while 的比較

    175 Prepositions of time: by, until, from . . . to, from . . . until, before, after

    ??? 表示時間的介系詞:by、until、from . . . to、from . . . until、before、after

    Chapter 24 Other prepositions

    176 Individual usage of prepositions: with, by, in, on 一些介系詞的個別用法:with、by、in、on

    177 Individual usage of prepositions: like, as, as if 一些介系詞的個別用法:like、as、as if

    178 Indirect objects with or without "to" and "for" to和for搭配間接受詞的用法

    179 Adjectives with specific prepositions (1) 形容詞所搭配的特定介系詞(1)

    180 Adjectives with specific prepositions (2) 形容詞所搭配的特定介系詞(2)

    181 Nouns with specific prepositions (1) 名詞所搭配的特定介系詞(1)

    182 Nouns with specific prepositions (2) 名詞所搭配的特定介系詞(2)

    183 Verb with specific prepositions 動詞所搭配的特定介系詞

    184 Prepositional phrases 慣用的介系詞片語

    185 Review of prepositions 介系詞總複習

    其 他 著 作
    1. Let’s See Grammar:彩圖中級英文文法 【Intermediate 1】 (菊8K彩色+別冊)
    2. Let’s See Grammar:彩圖中級英文文法 【Intermediate 2】 (菊8K彩色+別冊)
    3. 彩圖中級英文文法Let’s See!【修訂二版】 Grammar Growth Curve 2
    4. 彩圖初級英文文法Let’s See!【修訂二版】(菊8K軟皮精裝) Grammar Growth Curve 1