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爵士烏克麗麗:Autumn Leaves【附CD】 Jazz Standards for Ukulele: Autumn Leaves [CD included]


130.00  元
HK$ 110.5  

  • 叢書系列:音樂【套書系列:烏克麗麗系列】
  • 規格:平裝 / 64頁 / 16k / 19 x 26 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣

  • 藝術設計 > 音樂 > 樂譜 > 管弦樂譜




      Jazz was born in America at the beginning of the 20th century. This new musical idiom combined European classical music, the complex rhythm of African music, and American pop music.

      Ukulele was introduced in Hawaii in the 19th century. The Hawaiian people adopted this new instrument and made it popular worldwide. In fact, today the ukulele is an icon of Hawaiian music and has given rise to ukulele fever.

      In the past, "Jazz" and "Ukulele" followed two parallel lines of evolution. However, the popularity of jazz and ukulele fever made it inevitable that these two musical forms come together. This collection of six songs highlights some great examples of this exciting new musical combination.

    ● Editor's Note 主編的話

    ● Autumn Leaves (Les feuilles mortes) 秋葉 枯葉 CD [01-03]

    (music: Joseph Kosma / French lyrics: Jacques Prevert / English lyrics: Johnny Mercer)

        ◎ Ukulele part 烏克麗麗

        ◎ Piano accom. 鋼琴伴奏

    ● Beautiful Love 美妙的愛情 ?????????? CD [04-06]

    (music: Egbert Van Alstyne, Victor Popular Young & Wayne King / lyrics: Haven Gillespie)

        ◎ Ukulele part 烏克麗麗

        ◎ Piano accom. 鋼琴伴奏

    ● Blue Moon 藍月 ?????? CD [07-09]

    (music: Richard Rodgers / lyrics: Lorenz Hart)

        ◎ Ukulele part 烏克麗麗

        ◎ Piano accom. 鋼琴伴奏

    ● Bye Bye Blackbird 再見黑鳥 ????????????? CD [10-12]

    (music: Ray Henderson / lyrics: Mort Dixon)

        ◎ Ukulele part 烏克麗麗

        ◎ Piano accom. 鋼琴伴奏

    ● Hello, Dolly! 哈囉桃莉 ???????? CD [13-15]

    (music: Jerry Herman / lyrics: Jerry Herman)

        ◎ Ukulele part 烏克麗麗

        ◎ Piano accom. 鋼琴伴奏

    ● When the Saints Go Marching In 聖徒走向天家 聖者?行進 CD [16-18]

    (music: American gospel hymn / lyrics: American gospel hymn)

        ◎ Ukulele part 烏克麗麗

        ◎ Piano accom. 鋼琴伴奏

    Audio CD total playing time = 42:33

    Recorded at Onyx Studio, August 2013, Taipei.

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