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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價217.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$173.6
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Mega Goal (3) with Audio CDs/3片 (國際版)


Manuel Dos Santos
167.00  元
HK$ 167  

規格:平裝 / 132頁 / 21*27 cm / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版

語言學習 > 英語 > 故事讀本 > 全英閱讀

  Mega Goal is a dynamic American English series for international communication designed for teenagers and young adults that takes students from absolute beginners to high-intermediate level. The Intro level and Books 1-6 integrate the four skills, present the grammar in context, and help students develop natural conversation. With eye-catching art and high-interest topics, Mega Goal is easy and enjoyable to teach and to learn from.


  * Unit openers, enhanced by attractive and contemporary illustrations, help students make visual connections and retain the new language.

  * Units are thematic and contain high-interest topics that relate to students’ age and interests.

  * A consistent unit format makes navigation clear and predictable.

  * The Grammar section offers succinct explanations, followed by activities that reinforce the grammar points presented.

  * Interactive Conversations allow students to choose or make up their own endings.

  * Vocabulary development occurs throughout and everyday expressions are explained in the Real Talk feature.

  * Sections on Pronunciation, Listening, and Writing are included in each unit.

  * Readings and Projects at the end of each unit allow students to experience real world situations.

  * Commercial-quality songs enable students to expand their language in a pleasant way.

  * Learning strategies and critical thinking skills prepare students for success.

  * Humor and cross-cultural information and values are present throughout the series.



其 他 著 作
1. New World (1) Student Book with MP3 CD/1片
2. New World (2) Student Book with MP3 CD/1片
3. New World (3) Student Book with MP3 CD/1片
4. New World (4) Student Book with MP3 CD/1片
5. New World (5) Student Book with MP3 CD/1片
6. New World (6) Student Book with MP3 CD/1片
7. New World (1) Workbook
8. New World (2) Workbook
9. New World (3) Workbook
10. New World (4) Workbook
11. New World (5) Workbook
12. New World (6) Workbook
13. My World (2) Teacher’s Guide
14. Mega Goal (6) with Audio CDs/4片
15. Mega Goal (6) Workbook
16. Mega Goal (6) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs/4片
17. Mega Goal (5) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs/3片
18. Mega Goal (5) Workbook
19. Mega Goal (5) with Audio CDs/3片