My Best No.1優雅Elegant
My Best No.2法式烤檸檬小塔Tarte Meringuee Au Citron
My Best No.3羅斯貝莉Chocolate with Raspberry Flavor Level Cake
My Best No.4北海道起司蛋糕卷Hokkaido Cheese Cake-Roll
My Best No.5檸檬瑪德蕾尼Lemon Madeleine
My Best No.6焦糖曼特寧咖啡蛋糕卷Caramel Mandalin Cake-Roll
克里斯托Pear Chocolate Mousse
羽絨白天使Fromage Blanc
蘿斯雅Rose Cheese Mousse
法式奴加蜜杏慕斯Honey Mousse with Apricot Jelly
覆盆子歐培拉Raspberry Opera
卡瑪露Milk Chocolate Mousse with Mango Jelly
艾薇亞朵Yuzu Hazelnut Mousse
瑪斯特Mascarpone Strawberry Jelly Mousse
香戀Mandarin White Chocolate Mousse
金色仲夏Mango Cheese Mousse
西森米提雅Sesame Tira Mousse
法朵Passion Fruit Chocolate Mousse