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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價127.00元
  • 8 折優惠:HK$101.6
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The Healthy Home: Simple Truths to Protect Your Family from Hidden Household Dangers 別讓房子毒害你:簡單方法遠離居家健康隱形殺手

Wentz, Dave/ Wentz, Myron/ Wallace, Donna K. (CON)
Perseus Books Group
187.00  元
HK$ 158.95  

規格:平裝 / 284頁 / 1.9*15.2*22.9 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷

[ 尚未分類 ]

  In The Healthy Home, father-and-son team Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz walk readers room-by-room through a typical house, pointing out the surprising health risks posed by the everyday products and behaviors of any modern family.

  With the help of colorful illustrations and illuminating quizzes, you learn about the negative effects of toxins found throughout your home and receive simple solutions to help minimize exposure without foregoing convenience.

  The Healthy Home gives people the power to make a long-term impact on their health and that of their loved ones. An invaluable guide, it will change how we live in simple yet significant ways.


  After earning a PhD in microbiology with a specialty in immunology from the University of Utah, Dr. Myron Wentz founded Gull Laboratories, where he developed the first commercially available diagnostic test kit for the Epstein-Barr virus. Dr. Wentz then launched USANA Health Sciences in 1992. In June 2007, he was honored with the Albert Einstein Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Life Sciences from Global Capital Associates. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

  After graduating with a degree in bioengineering from the University of California, San Diego, Dave Wentz joined his father, Dr. Myron Wentz, to establish USANA Health Services, a state-of-the-art manufacturer of health products. He lives in Salt Lake City, Utah.

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