- 定價93.00元
Because Your Mommy Loves You
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規格:精裝 / 32頁 / 1.3*27.9*21.6 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷
J.K.羅琳首部成人小說【The Casual Vacancy】機智詼諧的小城大故事∼
設計的黃金時代 X 雋永的文學經典【企鵝布面文學經典】
雷克萊爾頓《埃及守護神》精彩完結篇到貨!《The Serpent’s Shadow》
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When a little boy and his mom go camping, mini-disasters abound, and there are
lots of opportunities for Mom to step in and fix everything. But instead, with a loving
touch, this mommy shows her child ways to do things for himself, going far to encourage
her child’s independence. And there is still plenty of opportunity for snuggling
under the stars.
This warm and humorous testament to all the loving things a supportive mom does
each day is every bit as heartwarming as its predecessor and is sure to become a favorite
for families everywhere.
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