企業財務狀況(Financial Situations in a Corporation)
貨幣與銀行(Money and Banking)
貿易與商業(Trade and Commerce)
商業與投資(Business and Investment)
各項經濟議題(Economy Issues)
主題文章閱讀 囊括各類基礎重點財經概念和專有名詞,包括損益觀念(Profit and Deficit)、會計原則(Accounting Principles)、進口與出口(Imports and Exports)、期貨與選擇權(Futures and Options)、國民生產毛額與國內生產毛額(GNP vs. GDP)等,搭配彩色圖表輔助解說,深入淺出,容易掌握理解記憶。
美國愛達荷大學(University of Idaho)畢業,主修文學創作(Creative Writing),副修商業學(Business),曾修習商業與經濟課程。於網路和圖書出版過無數小說及非小說類作品。現定居日本,從事寫作與英語教學事業。
Curtis M. Revis Seubert studied Business and Economics at the University of Idaho, eventually receiving a B.A. in Creative Writing with a minor in Business. His fiction and non-fiction have appeared in numerous publications, both online and print. He runs his own business in Japan, where he writes and teaches English.