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Readings in Management Accounting (Original)(6版)


367.00  元
HK$ 348.65  

規格:平裝 / 312頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 6版


商業理財 > 會計/統計 > 會計學

  For each textbook chapter there is a corresponding set of readings that complements text material and introduces you to applications of the material in a wide variety of contexts. At the end of each reading, questions test your understanding of what you have read. The readings are taken from many sources including the Wall Street Journal, Strategic Finance, Harvard Business Review, and Management Accounting Quarterly among others. They represent both classic and contemporary readings on each of the topics covered in the text.

  The best way to use this book is to read each assigned article in one sitting. Then, read the article a second time taking notes and asking yourself how the article extends your understanding of the text material. In some cases, your instructor may assign specific questions that follow each of the readings. Taking the time to answer these questions thoughtfully will improve your understanding of the material. I hope you find the articles stimulating and thought- provoking.


  ◎蒐錄與Atkinson/ Management Accounting 6/e章節內容相關之近期之商業時事與學術文章,可作為搭配授課主教材之一。



S. Mark Young

  現職:University of Southern California

Ch1 How Management Accounting Information Supports Decision Making
Ch 2 Tile Balance Scorecard Strategy Map
Ch 3 Using Costs in Decision Making
Ch 4 Accumulating and Assigning Costs to Products
Ch 5 Activity-Based Cost Systems
Ch 6 Measuring and Managing Customer Relationships
Ch 7 Measuring and Managing Process Performance
Ch 8 Measuring and Managing Life-Cycle Costs
Ch 9 Behavioral and Organizational Issues in Management Accounting
Ch10 Using Budgets for Planning and Coordination
Ch11 Financial Control

其 他 著 作
1. Love or Hate(2)
2. Love or Hate(1)
3. 通往內心的橋 ?兒童心理診所? 2
4. 新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】(16K+寂天雲隨身聽APP)
5. 世界經典故事套書(2冊)(世界偉人故事繪本+世界經典童話繪本)(新版)
6. 世界經典故事套書(2冊)( 希臘神話繪本+伊索寓言繪本)(新版)
7. 世界植物圖鑑大百科
8. 模型紙飛機:自己動手做超酷的模型紙飛機
9. 每天5分鐘親子英文(暢銷2版):用美國父母的日常會話小短句,打造小孩自然習慣聽說英語的環境(QR Code+CD)
10. 世界昆蟲動物圖鑑大百科
11. 競技級的金牌戰鬥紙飛機:自己動手做超酷的競技級戰鬥紙飛機
12. Media Matters 4/e with Apps Quizlet
13. 全情境圖解親子英文:第一本讓小孩有如身歷其境的英語會話本(附MP3 CD與QR Code)
14. 全圖解一天3分鐘情境英語:生活與旅行會話雙效合一(附MP3 QR Code)
15. 辦公室英語,簡單易懂懶人包!(附CD)
16. 世界植物圖鑑小百科
17. 新制多益聽力搶分訓練營:3 STEPS打造高效聽力腦【解題技巧練習本+中譯解析本雙書版】(16K+1MP3)
18. 每天10分鐘學齡兒童親子英文:日常生活用得上,英語能力自然會變強!( 附MP3 CD+QR Code)
19. 兩棲、爬行動物小百科
20. 職場上絕對會用到的商務英語:從財務會計到經營管理的315個核心句型
21. 恐龍世界圖鑑小百科
22. 飛行動物圖鑑小百科《鳥類動物》
23. 海洋動物圖鑑小百科《脊椎�無脊椎動物》
24. 陸地動物圖鑑小百科《哺乳動物》
25. 世界昆蟲圖鑑小百科《六足動物》
26. 世界甲蟲圖鑑小百科《鞘翅目》
27. 世界海洋動物圖鑑大百科
28. 世界飛行動物 圖鑑大百科
29. 小孩最愛超可愛塗畫本
30. 小孩最愛超酷炫塗畫本
31. 世界陸地動物圖鑑大百科
32. 我的紙飛機超會飛
33. 超酷炫好玩的紙飛機
34. 超萌小女孩髮飾:只要緞帶、零碼布,做出50款讓人驚嘆「太可愛!」的韓系潮流飾品(附QR碼示範)
35. First Illustrated Thesaurus
36. 每天5分鐘親子英文:用美國父母的日常會話小短句,打造小孩子自然習慣聽說英語的環境!(附mp3)
37. The Shack: Where Tragedy Confronts Eternity
38. 世界經典童話繪本
39. 一讀一行:從魯蛇到人生贏家的自我充實法
40. 拍出滿分吸睛度:與網路社群、好友分享日日生活的美好
41. 攝影大師教會我的美食攝影秘密
42. 家的十二味。走進設計師的部屋:每個家,都應該有主人的樣子。
43. 家的十二味。走進設計師的部屋:每個家,都應該有主人的樣子。
44. 苦難是人生的一種恩賜
45. 苦難是人生的一種恩賜
46. 網路成癮:評估及治療指引手冊
47. 朗文新多益模擬試題&題型解析限量超級組(2書+1題庫光碟+1MP3+1CD) Simulated Practice & Detailed Analysis for the New TOEIC Test
48. Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals
49. A Study Guide to the AP Chinese Language & Culture Test
50. SAMSUNG EX2F/EX1 旅行光影手札
51. 朗文新多益精選模擬試題(1MP3+題庫CD-ROM)-New Edition Simulated Practice for the New TOEIC Test
52. Jesus Calling
53. Merry Christmas, Curious George
54. Shakespeare in Culture
55. New Longman Handwriting 1
56. New Longman Handwriting 2
57. New Longman Handwriting 3
58. New Longman Handwriting 4
59. New Longman Handwriting 5
60. New Longman Handwriting 6
61. New Longman Handwriting 7
62. New Longman Handwriting 8
63. New Longman Handwriting 9
64. New Longman Handwriting 10
65. New Longman Handwriting 11
66. New Longman Handwriting 12
67. New Longman Handwriting C
68. 美食攝影:發現.輕鬆拍出美味的秘密
69. Canon EOS 60D 潛能無限
70. The Shack
71. 簡譜、六線譜:Marty Young - Show Hand專輯樂譜寫真書(內附120分鐘演奏教學DVD) (適用吉他、電吉他)
72. Business Chinese Today - Reading & Writing - Intermediate
73. 就用創意取勝吧!Photoshop攝影後製美學(附DVD) PHOTOSHOP CREATIVE COLLECTION
74. Jesus Calling
75. Electing Hong Kong’s Chief Executive
76. Nurses’ Guide to Clinical Procedures
77. Jewelry Techniques: The Essential Guide to Choosing and Using Materials, Stones, and Settings (Hardcover)
78. The Essential Statutes on Hong Kong Criminal Law & Procedure 2008/2009, PB
79. 新多益精選模擬試題(1MP3+題庫CD-ROM)
80. Hong Kong Criminal Law Handbook . 3ed, PB
81. 數位媒體設計師的創意集--整合平面編輯+廣告+插圖+網頁等多元化的應用設計
82. Music 3-5
83. Music 3-5
84. International GAAP 2008: Generally Accepted Accounting Practice under International Financial Reporting Standard
85. Humanity at Stake
86. 戀愛靈旅──給戀人的靈修書 Devotions for Dating Couples
87. Korean Cooking Made Easy: Simple Meals in Minutes (Learn to Cook Series) (Spiral-bound)
88. Essential Statutes on Hong Kong Criminal Law & Procedure 2007/2008
89. Cost Down 這樣做就對了:181招想都想不到的降成本法
90. 使用Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
91. 專業英文寫作技巧-麻雀變鳳凰
92. 嗯!Photoshop CS2創意影像我也會(附CD)
93. Partnerships for Sustainable Development: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific Region
94. 快樂生活童話(附CD)
95. 不帶地圖去旅行,奇幻的時光之旅
96. 歡笑愛心童話(附CD)
97. Micro-Econometrics for Policy, Program, and Treatment Effects (Advanced Texts in Econometrics) (Hardcover)
98. OL營養全攻略
99. Hong Kong Tramways: Photography by David Young, Ricky Poon and Ella Tam 電車光影: 楊祖貽, 潘榮健, 譚建平 香港攝
100. Hong Kong Evidence Casebook (hardcover) (Student Edition)