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493.00  元
HK$ 468.35  

規格:平裝 / 616頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


[ 尚未分類 ]

  This is the second edition of a popular book oncombinatorics, a subject dealing with ways of arrangingand distributing objects, and which involves ideas fromgeometry, algebra and analysis. The breadth of thetheory is matched by that of its applications, whichinclude topics as diverse as codes, circuit design andalgorithm complexity. It has thus become essential forworkers in many scientific fields to have somefamiliarity with the subject. The authors have tried tobe as comprehensive as possible, dealing in a unifiedmanner with, for example, graph theory, extremalproblems, designs, colorings and codes. The depth andbreadth of the coverage make the book a unique guide tothe whole of the subject. The book is ideal for courseson combinatorical mathematics at the advancedundergraduate or beginning graduate level. Workingmathematicians and scientists will also find it avaluable introduction and reference.

Table of Content
1. Graphs
2. Trees
3. Colorings of graphs and Ramsey’s theorem
4. Turan’s theorem and extremal graphs
5. Systems of distinct representatives
6. Dilworth’s theorem and extremal set theory
7. Flows in networks
8. De Bruijn sequences
9. The addressing problem for graphs
10. The principle of inclusion and exclusion; inversion
11. Permanents
12. The Van der Waerden conjecture
13. Elementary counting Stirling numbers
14. Recursions and generating functions
15. Partitions
16. (0,1)-matrices
17. Latin squares
18. Hadamard matrices, Reed-Muller codes
19. Designs
20. Codes and designs
21. Strongly regular graphs and partial geometries
22. Orthogonal Latin squares
23. Projective and combinatorial geometries
24. Gaussian numbers and q-analogues
25. Lattices and Mobius inversion
26. Combinatorial designs and projective geometries
27. Difference sets and automorphisms
28. Difference sets and the group ring
29. Codes and symmetric designs
30. Association schemes
31. Algebraic graph theory: eigenvalue techniques
32. Graphs connectivity
33. Planarity and coloring
34. Whitney Duality
35. Embeddings of graphs on surfaces
36. Electrical networks and squared squares
37. Polya theory of counting
38. Baranyai’s theorem
Appendix 1. Hints and comments on problems
Appendix 2. Formal power series
Name index
Subject index

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