Michelle Witte was born in the USA. After working as a writing trainer, she moved to Thailand to teach English. Since then, she has spent much of her adult life teaching and writing in east and southeast Asia. She is the author of five English textbooks and recently completed her first collection of short stories.
1. The Civil Rights Movement in the USA 美國人權運動
2. The EQ 情緒商數
3. Animal Proverbs 和動物有關的諺語
4. Who Stole My Money? 是誰坑走我的錢?
5. Steve Jobs 史提夫.賈伯斯
6. Twilight 暮光之城
7. Internet gossip websites 八卦網站
8. Hachiko 忠犬小八
9. The Challenger Tragedy 挑戰者號的悲劇
10. Postmodern Architecture 後現代建築
11. Self generated energy 自體發電
12. Junk Food and Depression 垃圾食物與沮喪
13. Animal Rights, Yesterday and Today動物權的回顧與展望
14. K2 K2峰
15. Class and Accent 階級與口音
16. Ichiro Suzuki 鈴木一朗
17. The Large Hadron Collider 大型強子對撞機
18. Fair Trade Businesses 公平交易
19. Should You Talk to Your Plants? 你應該和你的植物說話嗎?
20. Reality TV 真人實境節目
21. Doctor Bronner’s Soaps 布朗博士的肥皂
22. Plastic Surgery 整形手術
23. Calvin and Hobbes 凱文的幻虎世界
24. Free Running 自由奔跑者
25. False Friends 假朋友
26. Stephen Hawking and The Universe 史蒂芬.霍金與他的宇宙論
27. History’s Largest Empires 歷史上最大的帝國
28. The Pygmalion Effect 畢馬龍效應
29. The Robot Evolution 機器人進化
30. Reusing versus Recycling 重複利用和資源回收
31. One Mango Tree 一個芒果樹
32. Frida Kahlo’s Paintings and Psychology 芙烈達.卡羅的畫作與內心世界
33. The Nazca Lines of Peru 秘魯的納斯卡線
34. Twittering the News用推特發表新聞
35. Hold on to Your Pocket Money 抓緊你的零用錢
36. Asperger’s Syndrome 亞斯伯格症
37. Cyber-bullying 網路霸凌
38. Sunscreen 防曬霜
39. The Dancing Plants of Udon Thani 烏通塔尼的跳舞草
40. Bill Gates after Microsoft 微軟之後的比爾蓋茲
41. American Folk Art Traditions 美國民俗藝術的傳統
42. Coptic Churches in Egypt 埃及之科普特教會
43. NEET 尼特族
44. What are Carbon Offsets? 什麼是碳補償?
45. Parasites 寄生蟲
46. Word Lens 字鏡頭
47. The World’s Oldest Sports 世上最古老的運動
48. Victorian Art 維多利亞時期的藝術
49. Nelson Mandela 納爾遜曼德拉
50. What is the Kyoto Protocol? 京都議定書是什麼?
51. Are You Addicted to the Internet? 你是否用網路成癮?
52. The Northern Lights 北極光
53. Unusual Taboos 奇怪的忌諱
54. Science Fiction 科幻小說
55. What does the Internet have to say about you? 網路世界的流言蜚語
56. Bats and Bees are Dying 蝙蝠和蜜蜂絕跡
57. Music and Mood 音樂和心情
58. Charlie Chaplin, a Serious Man 嚴肅的人卓別林
59. Body Language Across Cultures 不同文化上的身體語言
60. Greek Tragedy and the Theater of Dionysus 希臘悲劇及戴奧尼索斯劇場
61. Easter Island 復活節島
62. Skateboarding 溜滑板
63. Winter Blues 冬天憂鬱症
64. The History of YouTube YouTube的歷史
65. The Terracotta Army 兵馬俑
66. Paul Gauguin 高更
67. The Leaning Tower of Pisa 比薩斜塔
68. Hikikomori 繭居族
69. Magic Realism 魔幻寫實主義
70. The Hijab 希賈布
71. Desertification 荒漠化
72. Obesity is Growing 過胖問題持續增加
73. The Wild Amazon 狂野的亞馬遜
74. Barack Obama 巴拉克.歐巴馬
75. Whales’ Silent Tears 鯨魚的寂靜眼淚
76. Prehistoric Art 洞窟藝術
77. Rock Climbing 攀岩
78. The Oldest Trees in the World 世上最古老的樹
79. Headphones and Hearing 耳機和聽力
80. Formerly Taboo Entertainment 以前遭禁的娛樂
81. How Were Dogs Domesticated? 狗是如何被馴化的?
82. Wind Power 風力發電
83. Johann Sebastian Bach 巴哈
84. The Plain of Jars 石缸平原
85. Pros and Cons of Coffee 咖啡的好處和壞處
86. Saving Animals, One Species at a Time 一次救一種動物
87. Stuttering 結巴
88. Isadora Duncan 依莎朵拉.鄧肯
89. What is Beauty? 美是什麼?
90. BP Oil Spill 英國石油漏油事件
91. Wild Tasmania 野性的塔斯馬尼亞
92. Capoeira 卡波耶拉
93. Yoga 瑜伽
94. Dylan Thomas 狄倫湯瑪斯
95. The Fall and Rise of Pompeii 龐貝城的興衰
96. The Alpaca 羊駝
97. American Football 美式足球
98. Cats 貓
99. Social Contagion 社交傳染
100. Rafflesia--The Corpse Flower 大王花:屍花