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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價99.00元
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Reading Advantage 3/e (3) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CD/1片


Casey Malarcher、Nancy Hubley
167.00  元
HK$ 167  

規格:平裝 / 79頁 / 28*21.5 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版

語言學習 > 英語 > 故事讀本 > 全英閱讀

  Reading Advantage is a four-level reading series for learners of English from the high beginning to high intermediate level. Each book features 20 four-page units that will motivate students and require little teacher preparation.

  Each Teacher’s Guide provides useful information and additional resources:

  * Unit Walkthrough with step-by-step suggestions on how to teach a unit, guide to question formats, and tips for building students’ reading rate.

  * Vocabulary Activity Bank with practical strategies for helping students learn and remember new vocabulary.

  * Writing and Listening & Speaking extension activities, teaching tips, language notes, answer keys, and background information for each unit.

  * Photocopiable unit quizzes, mid-book test, final test, and answer keys.

  The teacher’s guide is divided into six sections:

  1. Using Reading Advantage
  2. Building Vocabulary
  3. Unit Notes
  4. Unit Quizzes
  5. Tests
  6. Scoring Sheet and Glossary

其 他 著 作
1. Reading Advantage 3/e (1) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CD/1片
2. Reading Advantage 3/e (2) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CD/1片
3. Reading Advantage 3/e (4) Teacher’s Guide with Audio CDs/2片