■ 好不容易遇到崇拜的外國偶像,衝上前用英文要簽名,為何偶像臉上三條線?
(×)May I have your “signature” ?(能不能在這份書面文件上簽名?)
【 正確用!】這樣說,才能要到偶像親筆簽名唷!
(○)May I have your “autograph”?(能不能幫我簽名?)
▼Part 01│動詞▼
01. accept vs. receive ..................016
02. accuse vs. charge ..................018
03. adapt vs. adjust ......................020
04. allow vs. permit ......................022
05. annoy vs. irritate ....................024
06. answer vs. reply .....................026
07. avoid vs. prevent ....................028
08. beat vs. hit ..............................030
09. begin vs. start .........................032
10. believe vs. trust ......................034
11. bother vs. disturb ...................036
12. bring vs. take ..........................038
13. catch vs. grab .........................040
14 . choose vs. select ...................042
15. come vs. arrive .......................044
16. complete vs. finish .................046
17. confuse vs. bewilder ..............048
18. convince vs. persuade ...........050
19. copy vs. imitate ......................052
20. create vs. invent .....................054
21. cure vs. heal ...........................056
22. drop vs. fall .............................058
23. find vs. discover .....................060
24. frighten vs. scare ...................062
25 . gather vs. collect ....................064
26. happen vs. occur ....................066
27. hold vs. keep ..........................068
28. kill vs. murder .........................070
29. laugh vs. smile .......................072
30. lay vs. lie vs. put .....................074
31. listen vs. hear .........................076
32. look vs. see vs. stare ..............078
33. make vs. produce ...................080
34. mean vs. suggest ...................082
35. miss vs. lose ...........................084
36. mix vs. combine vs. blend .....086
37. move vs. proceed ...................088
38. protect vs. defend ..................090
39. pull vs. drag ............................092
40. refuse vs. reject ......................094
41. remember vs. memorize ........096
42. rise vs. raise vs. arise .............098
43. rob vs. steal ............................100
44. say vs. speak ..........................102
45. see vs. watch vs. look .............104
46 . shatter vs. crush vs. smash ...106
47. shout vs. scream ....................108
48. talk vs. tell ...............................110
49. think vs. consider ...................112
50. try vs. attempt .........................114
▼Part 02│名詞▼
01. autograph vs. signature ........118
02 . center vs. middle ....................120
03. chance vs. opportunity ..........122
04. class vs. lesson ......................124
05. climate vs. weather ................126
06. danger vs. risk ........................128
07. disaster vs. catastrophe ........130
08. drug vs. medicine ...................132
09. duty vs. responsibility ...........134
10. emigrant vs. immigrant ..........136
11. emotion vs. feeling .................138
12. empathy vs. sympathy ...........140
13 . fact vs. truth ............................142
14. fare vs. fee ..............................144
15. flaw vs. fault ............................146
16. form vs. shape ........................148
17. freedom vs. liberty .................150
18 . hope vs. wish vs. dream ........152
19. job vs. occupation ..................154
20. journey vs. trip vs. tour ...........156
21. look vs. glance .......................158
22 . mind vs. heart .........................160
23. mountain vs. hill .....................162
24. narrative vs. story vs. tale ......164
25. news vs. information ..............166
26. number vs. amount ................168
27. pay vs. salary ..........................170
28. people vs. person ...................172
29. prejudice vs. bias ...................174
30. reason vs. cause ....................176
31. ample vs. example ...............178
32. scene vs. view ........................180
33. soul vs. spirit ..........................182
34. sport vs. exercise ...................184
35. street vs. road .........................186
36. student vs. pupil .....................188
37. topic vs. theme .......................190
38. voice vs. sound ......................192
39. war vs. battle ..........................194
▼Part 03│形容詞▼
01. able vs. capable ......................198
02. alone vs. lonely ......................200
03 . angry vs. mad .........................202
04. anxious vs. worried ................204
05 . aware vs. conscious ..............206
06. big vs. large ............................208
07. classic vs. classical ...............210
08. clean vs. clear .........................212
09. common vs. usual ..................214
10. continual vs. continuous .......216
11. contrary vs. contradictory .....218
12. difficult vs. hard .....................220
13. distant vs. remote ..................222
14. doubtful vs. dubious ..............224
15. each vs. every .........................226
16 . economic vs. economical ......228
17. effective vs. efficient ..............230
18. either... or vs. neither... nor ..232
19. empty vs. vacant ....................234
20. expensive vs. costly ..............236
21. farther vs. further ...................238
22. fat vs. chubby .........................240
23. fewer vs. less ..........................242
24. humid vs. wet vs. damp .........244
25. individual vs. personal ..........246
26. inner vs. interior .....................248
27. ironic vs. sarcastic .................250
28. jealous vs. envious ................252
29 . just vs. fair ..............................254
30 . little vs. small ..........................256
31. noisy vs. loud .........................258
32. old vs. aged ............................260
33. original vs. creative ................262
34. passed vs. past ......................264
35. possible vs. probable .............266
36. quick vs. fast ..........................268
37. ready vs. prepared .................270
38 . real vs. true .............................272
39 . right vs. correct ......................274
40. sad vs. depressed ..................276
41 . safe vs. secure .......................278
42. short vs. brief .........................280
43. sick vs. ill ................................282
44. silent vs. quiet ........................284
45. smart vs. wise .........................286
46. sure vs. certain .......................288
47. thankful vs. grateful ...............290
48 . thin vs. skinny vs. slim ...........292
49 . vast vs. huge ..........................294
50. verbal vs. oral .........................296
51. wide vs. broad ........................298
▼Part 04│其他▼
01 . above vs. over ........................302
02. after vs. behind .......................304
03. besides vs. except .................306
04 . between vs. among ................308
05. can vs. may .............................310
06. ever vs. never .........................312
07. every day vs. everyday ..........314
08. soon vs. shortly ......................316
09. still vs. yet ...............................318
10. whether vs. if ..........................320
最後但並非最不重要的(last but not least)是各單元的「特別補充」部分。在大多數情況中,這裡都會有同字但不同詞類、不同意義或其他用法的重要補充說明。這些補充資料的實用性和重要性並不亞於各同義詞當作主題字時所提供的資料。因此,這部分可視為讀者延伸和進階學習的重點,學會後對英文能力的提升同樣有一定程度的助益。為了加速讀者對特別補充資料的學習與理解,在各單元末往往也會提供相關的例句,以彰顯其用法之真諦。