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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
薩克斯風每日練習(壹):音階與琶音 Daily Exercises for Saxophone, volume o


83.00  元
HK$ 70.55  

規格:平裝 / 48頁 / 21.0*29.7 cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版


藝術設計 > 音樂 > 樂器學習 > 管樂器/簧樂器

  ☆中英對照.雙語版本 ☆



  ☆English-Chinese Bilingual Edition☆

  Scales and Arpeggios are basic music elements which are also important training for every performing musician. A performer cultivates his/her technique and gains instrumental control by learning major and minor scales, arpeggios, and intervals. Therefore these abilities are the fundamentals which transform an amateur player into a professional musician.

  Scales and Arpeggios exercises could be boring with the repeatititive finger movements, but it also could be a fun game of accuracy. Each exercise is a challenging episode if you imagine your instrument as a video game controller. So turn on your metronome and enjoy your Scales and Arpeggios.


李承育 Cheng-yu Lee, author


  1997年畢業於台灣大學土木工程系。後赴美深造,2001年獲波林格林州立大學(Bowling Green State University)薩克斯風演奏文憑;再入北德州大學(University of North Texas)取得薩克斯風演奏碩士學位,並學習爵士音樂。留美期間,古典薩克斯風師事Dr. John Sampen、Dr. Eugene Rousseau、Dr. Eric Nestler等;爵士樂演奏師事James Miglia、Mike Steniel、James Riggs等;爵士樂研究師事John Murphy。

  領導奧尼斯爵士四重奏(Onyx Jazz Quartet),2005年榮獲「克萊斯勒與ICRT爵士樂團大競技」首獎,2006年獲「大地知音音樂創意大獎賽」之創意獎,2007年發行首張專輯《Reliance》。



  A classical and jazz saxophonist, Cheng-yu Lee teaches saxophone and jazz history/appreciation/theory/performance in National Taipei University of Education, Hsinchu University of Education, and Fu Jen Catholic University.

  Lee earned his Bachelor of Engineering degree from Department of Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University in 1997. He obtained his Master of Music degree in saxophone performance from University of North Texas in 2004 after receiving music certificate from Bowling Green State University in 2001.

  During the years in U.S., he studied classical saxophone with Dr. John Sampen, Dr. Eugene Rousseau, and Dr. Eric Nestler, and jazz studies with James Miglia, Mike Steniel, James Riggs and John Murphy.

  Lee leads Onyx Jazz Quartet and won the 1st Prize in ”Chrysler & ICRT Jazz Competition” in 2005, and Creative Award in ”Land Music Awards” in 2006. In 2007, Onyx Jazz Quartet released their first album ”Reliance”. Lee is currently the director of Taipei Jazz Orchestra.

  Lee released his first classical album ”Fantaisie” in 2009, and was nominated the Best Arranger Award in the 21st ”Golden Melody Awards”. Lee is the author of ”Jazz Theory for Novices” (2007), ”Jazz Method for Saxophone” (2010), ”Easy Pieces for Saxophone” (2011), published by Mercury Publishing House.

Foreword 前言

I. Major and minor scales 大調與小調音階
◎ C major C大調 ─ A minor A小調
◎ F major F大調 ─ D minor D小調
◎ G major G大調 ─ E minor E小調
◎ B-flat major 降B大調 ─ G minor G小調
◎ D major D大調 ─ B minor B小調
◎ E-flat major 降E大調 ─ C minor C小調
◎ A major A大調 ─ F-sharp minor 升F小調
◎ A-flat major 降A大調 ─ F minor F小調
◎ E major E大調 ─ C-sharp minor 升C小調
◎ D-flat major 降D大調 ─ B-flat minor 降B小調
◎ B major B大調 ─ G-sharp minor 升G小調
◎ F-sharp major 升F大調 ─ E-flat minor 降E小調

II. Major and minor arpeggios 大調與小調琶音
◎ C major C大調 ─ A minor A小調
◎ F major F大調 ─ D minor D小調
◎ G major G大調 ─ E minor E小調
◎ B-flat major 降B大調 ─ G minor G小調
◎ D major D大調 ─ B minor B小調
◎ E-flat major 降E大調 ─ C minor C小調
◎ A major A大調 ─ F-sharp minor 升F小調
◎ A-flat major 降A大調 ─ F minor F小調
◎ E major E大調 ─ C-sharp minor 升C小調
◎ D-flat major 降D大調 ─ B-flat minor 降B小調
◎ B major B大調 ─ G-sharp minor 升G小調
◎ F-sharp major 升F大調 ─ E-flat minor 降E小調

III. Symmetrical scales 對襯音階
◎ Chromatic scale 半音階
◎ C, E-flat, F-sharp, A Diminished scale C–降E–升F–A減音階
◎ C-sharp, E, G, B-flat Diminished scale 升C–E–G–降B減音階
◎ D, F, G-sharp, B Diminished scale D–F–升G–B減音階
◎ C, D, E, F-sharp, G-sharp, A-sharp Whole-tone scale C–D–E–升F–升G–升A全音階
◎ D-flat, E-flat, F, G, A, B Whole-tone scale 降D–降E–F–G–A–B全音階

Appendix 附錄
◎ Fingering Chart 指法表

其 他 著 作
1. 爵士樂理:綜合練習冊
2. 爵士樂理
3. 薩克斯風曲集(3):春之聲【附CD】
4. 薩克斯風曲集(4):如歌的行板【附CD】
5. 馬切洛:奏鳴曲•作品二之八〔高音�中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版〕【附CD】
6. 泰勒曼:奏鳴曲•TWV 41:B6〔高音�中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版〕【附CD】
7. 莫札特:作品 K.370(改編自雙簧管四重奏)〔中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版〕【附CD】
8. 爵士烏克麗麗:Autumn Leaves【附CD】 Jazz Standards for Ukulele: Autumn Leaves [CD included]
9. 薩克斯風每日練習(參):柔音與慢板(附2CD) Daily Exercises for Saxophone, volume three – Vibrato and Cantabile [2 CDs attached]
10. 薩克斯風每日練習(貳):音色與運舌 Daily Exercises for Saxophone, volume t
11. 韓德爾:奏鳴曲.作品一之三(中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版) George Frideric Handel: Sonata Op.1/3 (for Alto Saxophone and Piano)
12. 德維安納:奏鳴曲.作品廿四之三(中音薩克斯風與鋼琴改編版) Francois Devienne: Sonata Op.24/3 (for Alto Saxophone and Piano)
13. 薩克斯風曲集(1):入門小品二十首【附CD】 20 Easy Pieces for Saxophone [CD included]
14. 薩克斯風曲集(2):入門小品十二首【附CD】 12 Easy Pieces for Saxophone [CD included]
15. 薩克斯風即興教本〔次中音.Tenor〕(附2CD【爵士演奏入門】) Jazz Method for Tenor Saxophone [2 CDs included]
16. 薩克斯風即興教本〔中音.Alto〕(附2CD【爵士演奏入門】)