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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
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Life Stories of CUHK Alumni in Calgary


120.00  元
HK$ 108  

* 規格:平裝 / 352頁 / 25K / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

[ 尚未分類 ]

@This book is a collection of thirty articles written by thirty-two authors, all of whom have had a link with Calgary and Hong Kong at different phases of their life. As a result, their life experiences have strong connections to these two cities. Needless to say, their academic achievements from the Chinese University of Hong Kong have played an important role in shaping the paths of success in their individual careers.

  The writers come from varying backgrounds. While some of them have remained in their own profession for a long time, others have returned to college to upgrade their education in preparation for a higher level in their careers. No matter how different their backgrounds are, they have all lived ‘under the Rockies’ for a particular period of their lifetime and have made contributions to the development of Calgary, a place they call home.

  The contents of this book are kaleidoscopic in that they include stories about such varied topics as daily living amidst the natural beauty of a northern country, sports, music and songs and the life experiences and challenges facing those working in different careers such as teaching, social work and accountancy. It is hoped that readers, after perusing the articles, can have a better understanding of the life of CUHK alumni overseas and the various ways in which they have demonstrated the spirit of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.


  The CUHK Alumni Association of Calgary was established in 2002, with a current membership of around thirty. Our objectives are to enhance the link between the University and alumni in Calgary and to promote friendship among members. Activities such as hiking, dinner gathering, BBQ are organized from time to time.

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