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  • 定價127.00元
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Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being 9/e


440.00  元
HK$ 418  

* 叢書系列:消費者行為
* 規格:平裝 / 688頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


[ 尚未分類 ]

  It’s not just about the purchase: The Wheel of Consumer Behavior. Consumer Behavior embraces the study of how having things affects our lives and how our possessions influence the way we feel about ourselves, and each other. The author has developed the Wheel of Consumer Behavior to underscore the complex, and often inseparable, interrelationships between the individual consumer and their social realities.

  New To This Edition

  NEW! Get hands-on with real consumer data: Mintel Memo and Dataset Exercises. Added to the end of each section, these new exercises provide students with actual data, obtained from recent consumer surveys. Each exercise presents Mintel’s data—with suggestions on how to use it for answering specific marketing questions—and challenges students to make sense of what the numbers mean.

  NEW! Keep current: The Latest in Information. This edition presents a current view of research, popular culture, and marketing activities, to help students understand this ever-changing field.

  NEW! Hear it from your peers: “CB As I Live It” feature. For this edition, author Michael Solomon invited individuals and student groups from schools across the nation to contribute their own take on key concepts in consumer behavior. The responses, which include essays, photos, poetry, and even YouTube videos, appear in the book and on MyMarketingLab, giving students a snapshot of their peers’ insight as consumers.

  NEW! See the effects of the current economic crisis: “ECONsumer Behavior” feature. The issues in today’s economy have had a profound impact on consumer behavior. The new “ECONsumer Behavior” boxed feature appears throughout the book, focusing on how consumer behavior is changing as a result of the current economy.

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