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Managing Small Business: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis 15/e


427.00  元
HK$ 405.65  

* 叢書系列:家族/小企業管理
* 規格:平裝 / 768頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


專業/教科書/政府出版品 > 管理類 > 行銷 > 行銷管理

 .NEW, CLEAR FINANCE CHAPTERS KEEP IMPORTANT FINANCIAL INFORMATION UNDERSTANDABLE AND PRACTICAL: Understanding and using financial information is frequently a challenge for both students and today’s small business owners. Because knowing how to use and apply financial information is so critical for small business success, this edition’s financial chapters provide careful attention to finance matters. What was previously one chapter on financial statements has been slplit into two chapters. Chapter 10 now focuses on understanding financial statements, and Chapter 11 shifts from understanding to forecasting. The new material should help create a level playing field for the ”non-accounting” student.

其 他 著 作
1. Encyclopedia of U.S. Intelligence (3 Volume Set)
2. 隨堂組句通
3. ?的話語,我的禱告──每日靈修版
4. 自由之歌,釋放之路─走出心靈深坑
5. Introduction to the Practice of Statistics (Include Student CD-ROM) 6/e
6. Managing Small Business: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis
7. Macmillan(Starter):Alissa
8. Vodopich Biology Laboratory Manual specific t/a Brooker Biology
9. Biology Laboratory Manual
10. Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas
11. 5 Steps to a 5 AP Chemistry, 2008-2009 Edition
12. Trauma
13. Common Mistakes at IELTS Advanced
14. Classroom Teaching Skills
15. Critical Thinking
16. Chemistry for the Utterly Confused
17. Get Out of That Pit: Straight Talk about Gods Deliverance
18. Essential Clinical Anatomy (Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)) (Paperback)
19. Voices of Christianity: A Global Introduction
20. Homeland Security and Terrorism
21. Dealing with Darwin : How Great Companies Innovate at Every Phase of Their Evolution (Hardcover)
22. Macmillan(Starter): Alissa+1CD
23. Statistics Concepts & Contraersies 6/e
24. Watchmen (Absolute Edition) [DELUXE EDITION] (Hardcover)
25. The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe Official Illustrated Movie Companion (Paperback
26. Small Business Management: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis<13 版 >
27. 探索英文叢書:電燈的發明 愛迪生的故事(附CD)-超級科學家系列
28. 整合行銷傳播
29. Common Mistakes at Proficiency...and How to Avoid Them
30. How to be a student
31. Opportunities in Acting Careers, revised edition
32. 沒有牆的世界:麥克摩爾論全球化
33. 太空科學暨天文學辭典(新版)
34. Developing Learning Environments: Creativity, Motivation and Collaboration in Higher Education
35. School-Based Mental Health Services: Creating Comprehensive and Culturally Specific Programs
36. Six Ideas that Shaped Physics: Unit N - Laws of Physics are Universal
37. Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit T - Some Processes are Irreversible
38. Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit R - Laws of Physics are Frame-Independent
39. Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit Q - Matter Behaves Like Waves
40. Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit E - Electromagnetic Fields
41. Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit C: Conservation Laws Constrain Interactions
42. Trauma Manual, 4/e
43. 你的話語,我的禱告
44. 一座小行星的新飲食方式
45. 約會女王就是妳
46. Encyclopedia of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry - 3 Volume Set
47. 斷層線上
48. 跨越鴻溝
49. 大金剛法則
50. Herbs for the Urinary Tract
51. Elections A-Z
52. 龍捲風暴-矽谷的高科技行銷策略
53. Understanding Structures
54. 大金剛法則
55. A First Course in Linear Algebra with Application 3/e
56. Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 4: Proceedings of the 8th international congre
57. Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 3: Proceedings of the 8th international congre
58. Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 2: Proceedings of the 8th international congre
59. Engineering geology - A global vieuw from the Pacific Rim, volume 4: Proceedings of the 8th international congre
60. Researching Disability Issues
61. 健康生活 原著書名: Healthy Living
62. Airport Operations
63. 龍捲風暴─矽谷的高科技行銷策略
64. Laboratory Manual for Organic Chemistry: A Microscale Approach
65. G.E. Moore: Selected Writings
66. Children’s (5-1): Button Soup
67. Children’s (4-1): The Fastest Trolley in the World
68. Children’s (3-1): The Unhappy Ghost
69. Children’s (2-2): Jack and his Computer
70. Children’s (2-1): The Crazy Sandwich Bar
71. Children’s (1-2): A Present for Ann
72. Children’s (1-1): Jasper
73. Six Dinner Sid (Paperback)
74. Basic Mathematics for Electronics
75. Music For 2 Instrumnt
76. Antisemitism 1986-87 2
77. Nicolas Millot,Marchandy,N De
78. Effect Of European Contact & T
79. Spanish Missions New Mexico, V
80. Folklore,Culture A/T Immigrant
81. D(X) Centres and other Metastable Defects in Semiconductors, Proceedings of the INT Symposium, Mauterndorf, Aust
82. 活著就是基督(精)
83. 獨一無二的女人