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133.00  元
HK$ 119.7  

* 規格:平裝 / 256頁 / 16k / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

商業理財 > 投資理財 > 外匯

★ 全台第一本外匯線圖自學書
★ 法意部落格聯盟首發第一彈!




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Chapter 1 什麼是外匯?

1-1 外匯基礎認識
1-2 銀行掛牌匯率交易與外幣利率
1-3 不可不知的外匯名詞
1-4 外幣特性與匯率震盪

Chapter 2 進場的前製作業

2-1 選擇對自己有利的銀行
2-2 保證金與銀行外幣現貨
2-3 重要訊息與參考網站
2-4 線圖網站的操作與設定
2-5 操作外匯的目的與心態

Chapter 3 靠線圖獲利

3-1 戰略與戰術運用五浪分析法
3-2 自己製作線圖
3-3 判斷落點與發生路線
3-4 技術分析的可信度

Chapter 4 貨幣簡史

4-1 基礎貨幣與貨幣基礎
4-2 利率
4-3 貨幣與商品
4-4 匯率
4-5 通膨、投資、理財、投機
4-6 炒作的根本──套利交易

Chapter 5 新手問答集

5-1 關於銀行
5-2 關於線圖
5-3 關於操作

其 他 著 作
1. 放題的東京:指南式地圖導航
2. 成功決策的13堂經濟課
3. 狗狗行街Guide
4. 紅野狼
5. The Hot Shoe Diaries: Big Light from Small Flashes (Voices That Matter) (Paperback)
6. Beginning Drama 4-11 third edition
7. 平凡的英雄
8. Macmillan (Intermediate):Toching the Void+2CDs
9. 公關唔傻唔天真
10. Macmillan(Intermediate): Touching the Void
11. The American School: From the Puritans to No Child Left Behind
12. American Education
13. Hacking Exposed Windows: Microsoft Windows Security Secrets and Solutions, Third Edition
14. Biology: Dimensions of Life
15. Financial Planning for the Utterly Confused
16. Ownership Quotient
17. Opening Doors
18. New Worlds: An Introduction to College Reading
19. CWNA Certified Wireless Network Administrator Official Study Guide (Exam PW0-100), Fourth Edition
20. The Art of Watching Films with Tutorial CD-ROM
21. Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals
22. Financial Intelligence for IT Professionals
23. Financial Intelligence for Entrepreneurs
24. 打敗大盤的獲利公式
25. 人生沒有逆境,只有心境
26. Asian Godfathers: Money and Power in Hong Kong and Southeast Asia (Hardcover)
27. 九龍皇帝--曾灶財字(The Art of Treason)
28. 打敗大盤的獲利公式
29. Case Files Family Medicine
30. Deculturalization and the Struggle for Equality: A Brief History of the Education of Dominated Cultures in the U
31. Karma Queens, Geek Gods, and Innerpreneurs
32. A History of the Modern World, with PowerWeb
33. A History of the Modern World, Volume 1, with PowerWeb
34. A History of the Modern World, Volume 2, with PowerWeb
35. Street Smart Franchising: Read This Before You Buy a Franchise
36. Global Edge
37. Advanced Accounting with FASB 141R Update Supplement
38. Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting with FASB 141R Update Supplement
39. Credit Risk Management
40. Contemporary Club Management
41. 給遙遠的牠狗狗篇
42. Hacking Exposed Web Applications, Second Edition
43. The Nursing Experience: Trends, Challenges, and Transitions
44. Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 3
45. Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 2
46. Lange Outline Review: USMLE Step 2
47. Lange Practice Tests for the USMLE Step 1
48. Lange Outline Review: USMLE Step 1
49. Lange Outline Review: USMLE Step 3
50. The Future of Advertising: New Media, New Clients, New Consumers in the Post-Television Age
51. 管理經濟學
52. 愛因斯坦的孩子-永不放棄的熱血老師?學生?一場與眾不同的太空營學習之旅
53. The American School 1642 - 2004
54. Conflict of Interests: The Politics of American Education
55. Hacking Exposed 5th Edition
56. Financial Intelligence
57. The Ultimate Home & Property Maintenance Manual
58. 企業的性格與命運
59. 因為懦弱,所以勇敢
60. 啟導初任教師-貴人啟導制的引導、反思與教練方法
61. 顧客要買什麼?--就是比別人好的頂級服務
62. Rigour & Complexity in Educational Research
63. Robot Programming
64. MP Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting with Dynamic Accounting PowerWeb and CPA Success SG Coupon
65. The Art of Watching Films with Tutorial CD-ROM
66. Rigour & Complexity in Educational Research
67. 自尊過生活
68. 喬艾兒的異想屋
69. 怎樣帶一個出色的細胞小組聚會 (原著: How to Lead a Great Cell Group Meeting)
70. Introduction To UNIX
71. Writing Winning Business Proposals: Your Guide to Landing the Client, Making the Sale and Persuading the Boss
72. Accounting Theory
73. Naked Intimacy
74. Medieval Europe: A Short Sourcebook
75. Broken Promises, Mended Hearts
76. 兒童遊戲與遊戲環境
77. Modern Systems Analysis and Design
78. 巧克力戰爭
79. Beginning Drama 4-11
80. Advanced Accounting, Update Edition w/ Enron Powerweb
81. The Ultimate Guide to Sports Marketing
82. How to Lead a Great Cell Group Meeting.. . So People Want to Come Back (Paperback)
83. Drama, Literacy and Moral Education 5-11
84. Technology for Teachers: Mastering New Media and Portfolio Development with Free Student CD-ROM
85. 震撼性廣告
86. 穿梭鬼門關
87. 危機行銷:企業化危機為轉機的應變之道
88. 101 American Customs
89. Attribution and Social Interaction: The Legacy of Edward E. Jones
90. Conditioning for Soccer
91. 情愛性典--親密愛人枕邊書
92. Financial Management for Nonprofits: The Complete Guide to Maximizing Resources and Managing Assets
93. Changing Multiculturalism
94. 喬.蒙坦納-我的美式足球生涯
95. Hearing the New Testament: Strategies for Interpretation (Paperback)
96. Strategic Negotiations
97. Introducing Moral Issues (Paperback)
98. 戰勝壓力--8至10周自助減壓法
99. 戰勝壓力-8至10周自助減壓手冊
100. The Art of Sculling