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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
Veterinary Pharmacology - A Practical Guide for the Veterinary Nurse


595.00  元
HK$ 565.25  

* 叢書系列:獸醫
* 規格:平裝 / 288頁 / 18.89*24.61cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


[ 尚未分類 ]

  This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Designed and written specifically for veterinary nurses, it focuses on the practical application of knowledge and encourages a problem-solving approach by introducing a discussion of the potential uses of drugs and exploring a variety of therapies. The text builds upon a general background of anatomy and physiology, chemical sciences and microbiology enabling the reader to understand and engage with the topic more fully. Photographs and detailed line drawings illustrate the more complex areas of pharmacology and aid comprehension of the general action mechanisms of the various drugs discussed. Complicated concepts are presented in a user-friendly way to maximise understanding.


Section 1: Introduction to pharmacology

Ch 1: The role of the veterinary nurse in drug therapy

Ch 2: Pharmacy law

Ch 3: Pharmacy practice

Ch 4: General pharmacology

Section 2: The sciences

Ch 5: Biology

Ch 6: Chemical sciences

Ch 7: Microbiology

Section 3: Applied pharmacology

Ch 8: The treatment of infections

Ch 9: Immunological products

Ch 10: Pharmaceutical preparations used for their actions on the respiratory system

Ch 11: Pharmaceutical preparations for the cardiovascular system

Ch 12: Pharmaceutical preparations used for the gastrointestinal tract

Ch 13: Pharmaceutical preparations used for the genito-urinary system

Ch 14: Pharmaceutical preparations for the CNS and neuromuscular drugs

Ch 15: Pharmaceutical preparations used for the treatment of endocrine disorders

Ch 16: Pharmaceutical preparations used in the eye, ear, nose, throat and mouth

Ch 17: Pharmaceutical preparations used in dermatology

Ch 18: Pharmaceutical preparations used for malignant disease and immunosuppression

Ch 19: Pharmaceutical preparations used to treat poisoning cases

Ch 20: Pharmaceutical preparations used for nutrition and fluid balance

Ch 21: Premedicants and local and general anaesthetics

Ch 22: Analgesics


Appendix: Multiple Choice Questions for Animal Nursing Assistants


  The first book on pharmacology that meets the needs of every veterinary nurse - from student to qualified

  Each chapter is headed with a list of learning outcomes for easy use

  Inclusion of self-test questions to aid revision

  A useful reference tool in clinical situations

  Offers practical advice on pharmacy management

  Recent research into drug therapy is included and future pharmacological therapies and recommended treatment protocols are discussed

  Author Information

  By Amanda Helen Rock, BVSc, MRCVS, Lecturer in Veterinary Nursing, Animal Care Department, Rosewarne College, Camborne, Cornwall Veterinary Surgeon in a Small Animal Hospital: The Veterinary Hospital, Estover, Plymouth

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