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Traditional Chinese Medicine Cupping Therapy, 2nd Edition


980.00  元
HK$ 931  

* 叢書系列:互補醫學
* 規格:平裝 / 304頁 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


[ 尚未分類 ]

  This new edition explores and describes techniques of cupping in the context of TCM theory. It provides a clear and detailed set of practical guidelines to applying this technique for various common conditions, and looks closely at issues of safety, expectation and theoretical principles of action. This new edition includes new scientific research on cupping therapy and the effect on the immune system as well as new material on muscular pain, stress management and cupping therapy and sports medicine. A DVD complements the text with video clips showing the eleven methods of cupping therapy.

Section 1 Cupping therapy

Chapter 1 History of cupping

Chapter 2 Benefits of cupping therapy

Chapter 3 Preparing for cupping

Chapter 4 Therapies that benefit from cupping

Chapter 5 The cupping procedure

Chapter 6 What to expect during and after cupping therapy

Chapter 7 Eleven methods of cupping therapy

Chapter 8 Cupping therapy on children

Chapter 9 Cupping therapy on adults

Chapter 10 How often can cupping be applied?

Section 2 Treatment of common disorders

Chapter 11 Cupping therapy in the treatment

Chapter 12 Notes on miscellaneous disorders

Chapter 13 Precautions and contraindications

Chapter 14 Sports injuries

Chapter 15 Myofascial Trigger Points cupping therapy


  By Ilkay Z. Chirali, Member of British Acupuncture Council and Member of Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, London, UK

  By Ilkay Z. Chirali, Member of British Acupuncture Council and Member of Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine, London, UK

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