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Humanity at Stake


楊立心 (Abraham Young)
67.00  元
HK$ 63.65  

* 規格:平裝 / 130頁 / 13.4*20.1cm / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

[ 尚未分類 ]

On why the world
should now end China’s
military & political aggression,
understand Taiwan’s democracy,
and defend 23 million citizens’
human right to self-determination

  Humanity At Stake is a pamphlet-book that depicts the true conversation that occurred amongst three inquisitive people who engaged one another. It is written for the purpose of bringing the politics of Taiwan, China, and America towards all of our consciences and conversations. In so doing, dialogue removes those politics from reclusion and dangerous misunderstanding. On a broader level, Humanity At Stake is a reflection of—and a tool for—the issue of human rights for all free people.


楊立心(Abraham Young)

  1982年生於美國佛羅里達州邁阿密,是台美人第二代。1988~91年曾回台就讀國民小學。他畢業於長春藤學校布朗大學,在學期間曾入選該校的小說創作專案:Capstone Program in Creative Writing for Fiction。大學期間熱心參與台美青年學生聯合會(Intercollegiate Taiwanese American Student Association)。畢業後不間斷創作寫詩、辦文學雜誌,曾任企鵝出版社(Penguin Group USA)助理編審,現就讀紐約州立大學醫學院(State University of New York Downstate College of Medicine)。他在2003年參加第一屆福爾摩沙基金會的青年大使訓練計劃,2008年參與台灣路竹會的海地醫療服務,他也是台灣人公共事務會(FAPA)青年專業人員部(Young Professional Group)的一員。

PART 1: Breaking Silence for the Sake of Understanding

i. Chance meeting at Housing Works Bookstore Cafe; basement
ii. Moral dilemma of an American in war
iii. China as many things to as many people
iv. Step right up!: The kid from Taiwan; the kid from China; and the representative American voice
v. Engagement #1: My opinion, your opinion, my national media, your national media, and the origins of modern-day Taiwan

Images relating to Taiwan’s 2-28 Massacre

vi. Interim tit-for-tat: What in heaven and in hell is Taiwan—to whom?
vii. Engagement #2: Hawaii = a part of America.
Taiwan ≠ a part of China.
viii. Engagement #3: Taiwan’s “overreactions”—Why?
China’s offensive weapons justification—Where?

PART 2: Stepping Forward for the Sake of Humanity

ix. A new approach to engagement
x. Where our conversation ends, and—in the answer of our silence—the single consensus, the precise next step that is inarguable and crucial for peaceful resolution on all sides

APPENDIX A: Author’s March 2004 online petition echoing Taiwan’s historic 2-28 Hand-in-Hand Rally: “Supporting the People of Democratic Taiwan Against China’s Missile Deployment”

APPENDIX B: May 13, 2008:
Letter received by the author of Humanity At Stake from Member of Congress Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

POSTSCRIPT: Why? The reasons, in few words and and 1,000 explosive pictures across the page

POST-POSTSCRIPT: What’s at Stake

The Humanity At Stake Project

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