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香港二樓書店 > 今日好書推介
  • 定價217.00元
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Word by Word 2/e Transparencies


Steven J. Molinsky/Bill Bliss
667.00  元
HK$ 667  

* 規格:平裝 / 165頁 / 普級 / 全彩 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣

[ 尚未分類 ]

  This package contains color transparencies for every lesson in the Word by Word Picture Dictionary. Use these picture resources to focus students’ attention during various stages of a lesson.

  * Previewing the Vocabulary: You can activate students’ prior knowledge of the vocabulary by having them look at the transparency and identify the words they are familiar with.

  * Presenting the Vocabulary: Point to the picture of each word, say the word, and have the class repeat it chorally and individually. (You can also play the word list on the Audio Program.)

  * Vocabulary Practice: Have students take turns standing at the projector, pointing to a picture, and calling on students to say the correct word. Or, students in their seats can say a word and then the student standing at the projector points to the correct item.

  * Spelling Practice: Point to an item and have students write the word.

  * Discussion and Writing: As students respond to the questions contained in each lesson, you can use the transparency as a picture-only reminder of the vocabulary they should include in their discussions and compositions.

  * Review: The transparencies are also a helpful resource for vocabulary review using the above activities and others. It is especially motivating for students to play the role of the teacher at teh projector or screen during these during these review activities.

  ** There are two sets of transparencies for Unit 17--160-166 for the U.S. version and 160-165 for the international version.

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