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Contemporary Club Management


Joe Perdue
767.00  元
HK$ 690.3  

* 叢書系列:餐旅服務
* 規格:平裝 / 普級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
* 出版地:台灣


[ 尚未分類 ]

  The certification program of the Club Managers Association of America guided the content development of this textbook, which introduces students to the complex world of private club management. Chapter contributors are hospitality educators with expertise in the area of club management. The revised edition of this book includes new chapters on membership marketing, training and development, and club entertainment, as well as expanded treatment of club recreation, including a new chapter on golf course maintenance. The book also incorporates information from the updated Uniform Systems of Financial Reporting for Clubs.


Preface 序言

Part I: General Club Management 俱樂部管理總論
1 Overview of Club Operations 俱樂部經營概要
2 The Board of Directors and the General Manager/ Chief Operating Officer 管理階層:董事會與經理人/營運長
3 Leading Clubs Effectively 俱樂部有效領導
4 Leading the Strategic Planning Process 領導策略規劃

Part II: Marketing and Human Resources 市場行銷與人力資源
5 Club Marketing 俱樂部行銷
6 Membership Marketing 俱樂部會員行銷
7 Managing Human Resources in Clubs 俱樂部人力資源管理
8 Training and Professional Development in Clubs 俱樂部人員培訓與專業發展

Part III: Club Operations 俱樂部經營
9 Quality Service in Clubs 俱樂部的高品質服務
10 Club Food and Beverage Operations 俱樂部的餐飲服務
11 Managing Entertainment in Clubs 俱樂部公共娛樂管理
12 Club Financial Management 俱樂部財務管理
13 Club Technology 俱樂部科技應用

Part IV: Club Sports 俱樂部休閒運動
14 Golf Operations in Clubs 高爾夫球俱樂部
15 Golf Course Maintenance 高爾夫球場地維護
16 Club Fitness, Spa, Aquatics, and Tennis Operations 健康俱樂部:健身、水療、水上運動與網球

Index 索引

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